How to Look Fantastic From the Waist Up On a Zoom Call
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You likely thought that Zoom calls and video conferencing would be a thing of the past by now, but it looks like the forum is here to stay. Whether teaching math to university students or landing a million-dollar deal, it is integral to look fantastic from the waist up on a Zoom call, and here is how you can achieve success:
Dress for your clientele
Dress to the level that you would for your typical in-person work environment. If a suit and tie is the expectation, then continue this with your Zoom meetings. However, if your office typically holds a smart-casual dress, then keep this up. Here are some suggestions for pivoting your fashion to look best on Zoom:
- * Stay away from distracting patterns as they often don’t look appealing on video
- * Stick to solid colors that work with your skin tone in bright hues like reds, teal, green or purple
- * Consider your background when choosing your clothing so that you don’t clash or blend in
- * Use accessories like chunky necklaces or earrings to update your look
- * Consider professional stylists for your hair
- * Avoid jewelry that jangles or rattles and is distracting
- * Keep makeup colors muted
Don’t forget about your background
Consider the backdrop to your virtual meeting to be as integral to your look as what you are wearing. Here are some ideas for staging the ideal backdrop to your online meetings:
- * Avoid distracting elements like moving objects or blowing drapes
- * Consider how to include subtle aspects of your job or business into the décor
- * Keep your background simple
- * Keep your computer camera about an arm’s length away from you
- * Raise your computer camera to eye level as you don’t want to be looking down or up
- * Ensure no embarrassing items are left on display like dirty clothing or these blunders that are far worse
- * Avoid using virtual backgrounds unless necessary
Be personal, but not too personal
Although many Zoom meetings happen from the office, many more are made from home. It can be challenging to find the balance between appearing professional and showcasing a personal component. Indoor plants and artwork are an excellent way to portray your taste without showing too much of your personal life behind the camera.
Opportunities for branding
Whether you are marketing a product or selling yourself, it is integral to consider the entire package. For example, if your company has a color scheme, then consider subtly bringing this into your choice of clothing, accessories, or backdrop.
Think about lighting and sound
Nothing is worse than gearing yourself up for a virtual meeting and having glare obstruct the other person’s face. Additionally, asking someone to constantly repeat themselves due to background noise is annoying and unprofessional. To avoid glare, have windows and light sources behind your computer screen and never behind you. You’ll also want to limit noise by not running a vacuum, washing machine, or television and putting your alerts on silent.
Always be polite
Even though you can mute sound and video on a Zoom call, it doesn’t mean that it is foolproof. People have been fired for gaffes made on Zoom calls, and you don’t want to be one of them. Ensure that you are as polite, or even more so than at an in-person meeting, by being ever mindful of your body language, facial expressions, and any mutterings. Always be on time and avoid talking over others. Remember that the calls can be recorded.
Despite the advantages of face-to-face interactions, corporations and small businesses have realized the cost savings of limiting travel. Exciting opportunities have arisen with online experiences, classes, and tutoring. With these tips, we can all update our virtual meetings to be used to our advantage.