9 Best Foods To Include In Your Diet For a Healthy and Glowing Skin
- Written by News Co Media

Have you tried several facial treatments including face masks, cleansers, creams or serums but still experiencing some problems with your skin? Perhaps the treatment lies in your diet.
The food and drinks you consume can directly have an impact on your skin. Everybody wants a healthy and glowing skin, but most do not want to take efforts to identify the root cause. Studies have proven that there is a direct impact of nutrition on skin aging.
A healthy diet is always the better option when it comes to your overall wellbeing plus the health of your skin. Trusted health and skin care gurus say that you can eat your way to a perfect skin.
Additionally, although there is much more research required to be done, some studies have concluded that diet may be able to influence acne to a certain degree, which is currently not quantifiable.
Here are some of the foods and drinks you should consider adding to your diet:
* Tomatoes
Commonly included in salads, tomatoes can save your skin if you cook them down along with your meals. They contain chemicals including lycopene, a phytochemical that gives them the red color which helps eliminate skin aging by fighting free radicals caused by UV rays from the sun. According to experts, tomatoes offer the most sun-shielding nutrients when they are heated. A half-cup of cooked tomatoes contains 16 grams of lycopene, enough sunscreen for a day.
* Tuna
Canned tuna is a good source of selenium, a nutrient that helps preserve elastin, a protein that makes healthy and glowing skin. It also contains antioxidants which experts claim that it offers protection against sun’s UV rays by fighting free radicals. Simply take about 3 ounces or half a can for a perfect skin.
* Spinach
In reference to a study published in the International Journal of Cancer, most leafy green including spinach helps prevent tumor growth if consumed for an extended period. Folate is the compound in these vegetables which is thought to help repair and maintain DNA. It bolsters cells’ ability to regenerate which reduces the likelihood of cancer-cell growth. Additionally, the water in leafy green vegetables penetrates cell membranes making them plumper and less wrinkled.
* Safflower Oil
Safflower oil is a good source of omega-6 fatty acids which helps to moisturize the skin especially if you have the dry and flaky type. Omega-6 fatty acids keep the cell walls of the skin supple, giving way for water to penetrate. Experts believe that if you suffer from conditions like eczema, these oils can be of great benefits.
* Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, essential for erasing spots and smoothing fine lines. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, participants who consumed over two grams of omega-3 fatty acids for six consecutive weeks experienced significantly less irritation and redness. They also reported experiencing a well hydrated skin. Experts believe the fat alters your body’s response to irritation and helps water penetrate to plump the cells to eliminate wrinkles.
* Green Tea
Green tea has recently become famous for its health benefits on various medical problems as well as the skin. When hot, the drink releases catechins, a form of an antioxidant that comes with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in 2007 found that consuming between 2 and 6 cups of green tea in a day helps to prevent skin cancer and reverse damage caused by the sun.
* Carrots
Carrots are renowned for their role in improving eyesight. Studies have shown that Vitamin A in carrots helps in clearing breakouts as well. They regulate the production of cells on the outermost layer of the skin, according to Howard Murad, MD., and associate professor of Dermatology at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. In addition, Vitamin A also reduces the formation of skin-cancer cells. Just a half-cup of carrot in a day can help.
* Almonds
Almonds are seeds loaded with Vitamin E which acts as a sun blocker. In one study, participants who consumed 14 milligrams of the Vitamin in a day and basked in the sun, burned less than those who took none. Jeffrey Dover, M.D., associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University says that Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant which shields the skin cells from the harmful rays of the sun as well as other environmental factors that damage the cells.
* Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains flavanols, antioxidants that smoothen the skin and prevent sun damage. In reference to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, it was found out women who consumed 236 milligrams fortified cocoa daily experienced a better skin texture and stronger resistance against UV rays than those who took cocoa with a small amount of the antioxidant. Simply take a few ounces a day along with berries or other fruits.
To aid in your efforts for achieving clear skin, you may consider applying top anti-wrinkle creams in the market today. They may help in boosting your body’s ability to self-repair the skin and tighten it. However, remember that there is no substitute to a healthy diet if you want a permanent change in your skin.
Dermatologists recommend an intake of fruits and vegetables and less of sugar for a healthier skin. Additionally, eating foods in their natural form over processed foods is more beneficial. For supplementing these, try out a good skin routine that includes anti-wrinkle or skin cleansing formulas. Do consider Drmtlgy Reviews if you wish to invest in a good and effective anti-wrinkle treatment.
Different foods come with unique ingredients essential for a perfect skin. Getting a combination everyday is a sure way towards a healthy and youthful skin. The above foods offer nutrients, minerals and Vitamins which play crucial roles to your overall well-being.
While these foods come with many benefits for your skin, it is worth noting that there are others that can rob your beauty away. Starchy foods rich in unhealthy fats and carbohydrates can trigger skin breakouts or other problems and thus should be avoided at all cost. With the right kind of diet, healthy and glowing skin may not remain a distant dream.