Concrete or Natural Stone Pavers! Which is the better option and why?
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When it comes to choosing your pavers for upcoming your paving project, there are many types to choose from. Two popular material types are concrete and natural stone. If you are weighing up between these two, you've come to the right place. In this post, we'll share the key differences and some pros and cons of them both to help you decide.
Concrete pavers
Concrete pavers have a good reputation due to their durability and superior performance against heavy loads, the elements and wear and tear in general. They can be used for virtually any paving project, making them highly versatile. As well as this, they come in a multitude of different colours, styles, shapes, and textures. Regardless of whether you are paving a residential or commercial space, concrete is a suitable choice for both applications.
Concrete pavers are most often installed on a compacted bed of both soil and sand. They are naturally permeable, which allows water from the surface of the paver to seep through the material and into the ground underneath it. This is beneficial to prevent excess water from pooling onto the top of the pavers and running off and flooding the nearby landscaping and/or your home. As grout typically isn't between concrete pavers, sand is, weeds can be an issue however, there are ways to prevent this, such as filling pavers gaps with grout or ensuring the that correct technique is used when preparing the ground beforehand. Laying the pavers properly can help too.
Natural stone pavers
Natural stone pavers like Limestone Pavers and bluestone pavers Perth are timeless and stunning material that is suited to any style or aesthetic. Many choose stone due to its purity and natural occurring formations that occur in the material. It differs from concrete as it is an entirely natural product, whereas concrete pavers are man-made using a combination of materials. The textures and appearance that natural stone has is arguably unmatched by other types of pavers. When it comes to durability, they are exceptionally strong and resilient, some types more than others.
Deciding which is the best choice for your paving project
Choosing the right pavers is more than just what they look like. They need to be functional and able to withstand the conditions they'll be exposed to on a daily basis. Here are some important things to consider:
The weight the pavers will hold
Pavers used for an area that is exposed to heavy loads such as a driveway will need to be able to withstand such conditions whereas a lower weight-bearing area such as a walkway doesn't need as much careful consideration. Driveway pavers need to be very strong, and using quality driveway pavers with a certain minimum thickness ensures they don't crack under the pressure of the vehicles. Additionally, if the driveway slopes, an interlocking paver is a good option to prevent them from shifting out of place.
Concrete and natural stone are equally as good choices for driveways, and the minimum thickness of either should be 50mm.
Scratch resistance
Scratch resistance is very important to consider when choosing your pavers as they can be expensive and trying to remove deep scratches can be almost impossible. Considering the integrity of the paver and its hardness can help you to avoid such situations. Some natural stones are softer than others. Concrete, on the other hand, tends to be much more resistant to scratches.
Before looking into the different paver types, it's a good idea to work out how much of your budget you can allow for pavers. There are hundreds of different paver types but remember that they aren't all the same in quality. Paying a little extra now for a quality product can save you money in the long run from not having to repair or replace them more often than you'd like to.
The finish
Ultimately, you want your pavers to look good, and when it comes to finishes, natural stone is a front runner due to its unparalleled uniqueness, textures and colour variations. However, if you like the idea of concrete more than natural stone, you can use interchanging colours, shapes and sizes to create a striking hardscaping area.
Drainage must be a top priority when paving any new area. Failing to incorporate proper drainage may see flooding occurring on the pavers and subsequently on the areas surrounding them. It is imperative that when it rains, the water is directed away from the house. Permeable pavers in addition to drainage can help to prevent water from making its way into your home.
The verdict - concrete vs natural stone
At the end of the day, it comes down to your personal preferences and how much you can afford to spend on pavers. Concrete is an economical all-rounder that is great for those looking for something hardwearing yet kind to the back pocket. Natural stone offers a luxurious and natural feel however, this does come at a cost. Both concrete and natural stone wear well over time and are very strong and durable.
Talk to our professional team of paving experts
For all your paving project questions and needs, contact the professionals here at Bonita Stone. We handcraft a stunning collection of pavers fit for every application and were located in Perth, Western Australia. Contact us today for more information or alternatively check out our website.