Here is why cleaning your gutters should be on top of your to-do list
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If you're like many others, your home is likely the biggest investment you'll ever make, so it's important you look after it. One element that can have a huge impact on the condition of your home yet often gets forgotten about is your gutters. Here is why cleaning your gutters should be at the top of your to-do list.
The importance of gutters
Your gutter's main job is to direct water away from your home when it rains so that it doesn't get into your home, pool at the bottom of your home or flood the areas surrounding your property. When your gutters are clogged, they cannot function to their full ability, and the risks of water damaging your house increases the longer they are left to their own devices. Here are some potential risks clogged gutters pose to your home:
It can affect the structural integrity of your home
One of the biggest concerns with leaving your gutters clogged for an extended period is that the excess water can leak onto your roof and subsequently the interior of your home. Another is pooling water at the foundation. Both of these issues can cause structural problems, and these are something no homeowner wants to have. They are expensive and often time-consuming to repair.
Prevent mould and rot from occurring
Did you know that clogged guttering can lead to a plethora of issues, including mould growth and rot? When surfaces are constantly wet from excess moisture, mould growth and rot are inevitable in such favourable conditions. These not only look unsightly but, can be a major health concern for you and your family.
Can save you a considerable amount of money
Paying a professional to clean out your gutters does come at a cost however, it can save you a considerable amount of money in the long run from failing gutters and the damage they have caused to your home as a result.
Deter pests from calling your place home
Unwanted guests such as possums and rats will often set up homes at places that have an accessible source of water. Clogged gutters can retain pockets of water after it rains as they cannot drain away freely. Pests will be more inclined to live in your roof cavity or at the very least, frequent your home regularly if this is the case at your place. Both possums and rats can chew through electrical wiring and possums will defecate in the roof cavity. This can seep into the home through the ceilings.
Helps to prepare for bushfire season
Bushfires are a common natural disaster here in Australia, and they can strike at any time. If your gutters are full of dry and dead leaf litter and organic matter, your home will be more susceptible to catching alight if there is a fire nearby. Embers travel in the wind and land into gutters, if they are full, this makes the perfect fire starter, and your home may fall victim to widespread fire damage.
Keep your home looking clean and tidy
Maintaining your home is not only beneficial for keeping you safe whilst living there, but it can also help to retain or increase its value. This is always a good thing and even more so if you intend on selling. Failing gutters can be seen as a major negative for some, and you may miss out on achieving your desired final sale price as a result. Faults are noted by a building inspector, and while you may not be able to see them, there's a good chance that a building inspector will.
Protect your roof
When your gutters can move water away from the house as they are intended to, you can protect your roof and prevent it from prematurely deteriorating. Your roof keeps you dry as well as the contents inside your home, so it's in your best interest to ensure that your roof isn't seeing more water than it should or that water isn't pooling in sections where it shouldn't be.
Keep your gutters in good working order
Clear gutters mean they'll work properly, and they won't break or get damaged from excess weight from debris or water.
Avoid rust
If your gutters are older and have seen better days, they may be showing signs of rust regardless of whether you clean them out regularly or not. Not cleaning them out often will see the rust spread much faster due to water becoming entrapped in the gutters from debris build-up. The rust can eat through the gutters and cause holes to form.
Why hiring a professional gutter cleaner is a smart idea
Cleaning out your gutters is one of the more tedious, messy, and time-consuming household chores, pair this with the fact that they are essentially out of sight out of mind, it's no wonder many don't see to their gutters until there's a secondary problem caused from lack of maintenance. They are also at a height, which can be very dangerous if you don't have the right equipment to complete the job safely. To have your gutters cleaned to the highest standard, it's a good idea to call in the professionals! Our team here at Global Vac Gutter Cleaning Gold Coast utilise state of the art vacuum technology to give your gutters the most superior clean. The best part? There is no mess! Contact us today to book in your gutter clean.