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We all know trends keep on changing in a flash, whether it be fashion or home design. Those grey marble kitchen countertops might have looked exotic a few years back, but now, it also needs an upgrade. Most people like waiting for renovations call – chipping paints, dripping roofs - to consider updating the house. Well, after a couple of years, it is important to make some small changes to spruce up your house. If you are wondering how? Here are some ways to refurbish your house to give it a modern look.
Upgrade Your Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of your house, and it shouldn’t be anything less than perfect. Firstly, inspect the condition of your kitchen, check for potential repairs. If the color of the cabinets is fading away, then give it a fresh coat of polish, or you can change the color. After all, these days, bright kitchens are doing rounds on the internet.
At the same time, replace the knobs and handles of the cabinets with something that goes along with the theme of your kitchen. You can also grab some high-tech appliances. For instance, dishwasher, instant pot, and food factory to open doors for an exotic cooking experience while adding to the look of your house.
Bring Colors to Your Livingroom
Believe it or not, but replacing sofas and tables after 2-3 years is not possible, but you can always play with accessories. Update your cushion covers with what is trending in the market; it could be floral prints, or some truck art designs. Similarly, you can add a throw to your sofa of a different color for a nice change. Besides, you also have the choice of getting sofa covers changed without costing you an arm.
Moreover, you can get some new decoration pieces for your tables; it can be a table runner or an exotic flower vase. However, don’t forget about the floor, get some rugs or carpet tiles Sydney to create a cozy and warm environment. Surprisingly, all these small changes would make a huge difference in your house.
Create an Outdoor Space
People living in apartments are craving for some fresh air, but without a garden creating an outdoor space seems a little impossible. Well, every apartment has a balcony, enough for some cozy space. You have to add a couple of rugs with pillows in one corner of your balcony. Alongside this, add a small lamp, candles, or surround it with fairy lights. Thus, an ideal space to recline, read books, and have your evening tea. Otherwise, if you have a garden, then you can create a bigger outdoor space, more like a patio.
Give a Makeover to the Walls
If you notice any chipping paints, then give a fresh coat of paint to the walls instantly. However, if your walls look fine, then consider giving them a makeover. Firstly, you can put wallpaper on any of the walls you like. Perhaps, one at the entrance and one on the wall at the back of your bed. Secondly, don’t leave your walls empty because there is so much you can do.
Put up some vintage paintings to give an aesthetic look to your house. Besides, if you live alone, then there is no better option than adding a gallery wall. Put up your pictures with friends and family in different sizes of frames for a unique and modern look.
Revamp Your Bathroom
With the increasing trend of shower rooms and jacuzzies, you might want to consider refurbishing your bathroom. After all, there is always room for adding a jacuzzi by replacing your standard bathtub. Similarly, get new accessories – shower curtains, soft close toilet seat, towels, etc. Also, if you have a rusty faucet, then consider replacing the hardware of your bathroom too. Get a faucet with hand sensors; it would automatically open once you put your hands under it. Honestly, modern homes are all about innovative designs and smarter furniture.
To Conclude,
People are skeptical when it comes to refurbishing homes because of budget constraints, or they don’t know what to do. Well, all upgrades don’t come with heavy price tags, some are super affordable and can add to the look of your house. Besides, if you don’t know what to do, look above to see ways to refurbish your house to give it a modern look.