World’s most progressive hospitality apps partner with tech platform Doshii

Today Doshii, Australia’s leading hospitality tech integration platform, announced strategic partnerships with innovative apps EatClub, Payo, Consillion, Windcave and Restoke, in a significant move that cements Doshii as a true champion and partner of the hospitality industry.
Doshii enables hospitality businesses to simplify the way they operate by getting a venue’s apps talking to their POS system. This allows venue owners to accrue significant efficiency and cost advantages as they continue to be impacted by a wave of booking cancellations, on-going staff shortages and highly unpredictable environments. By seeking out and bringing together truly innovative partners, Doshii is at the forefront of the trends and technology that will support the industry moving forward.
“Working with more industry leaders continues to help venues on our platform. Today’s announcement is another signal of Doshii’s exponential growth, and we are connecting venues with some of the most progressive hospitality apps in the world on our platform. Our partnerships with EatClub, Payo, Consillion, Windcave and Restoke will enable, and act as the catalyst for innovation within the hospitality industry to provide real impactful results for operators,” says CEO of Doshii, Justin O’Donnell.
A global leader in dynamic pricing, EatClub is a world-first app that allows restaurants with empty tables to immediately upload last minute deals that customers can redeem. Offering deals at off-peak times, EatClub is creating new dining and takeaway occasions that didn’t previously exist. Payo is Australia’s first eat now, pay later app. Traditionally used for retail purchases, Payo is leading the ‘buy now, pay later’ trend within hospitality venues. By partnering with Doshii, Payo will be able to offer a seamless payment experience and expand their presence across more hospitality venues Australia-wide.
Consillion offers self-service cash solutions that completely removes the need for staff to handle cash, allowing venues to automate cash transactions, reconciliation and banking tasks. This leads to increased staff productivity, which has never been more important than in the current climate. Windcave, via Doshii, gives merchants a single point of EFTPOS integration for pay-at-counter and pay-at-table functionality, whilst Restoke helps restaurants automate their entire venue from a single platform. A partnership with Doshii enables Restoke customers to access more apps, allowing them to take control of their data and to further integrate operations across their food business for improved efficiency.
The expansion of Doshii partners comes off the back of recent announcements including DoorDash and the Restaurant & Catering Association who have aligned with Doshii, and recognise the value and impact that the platform can deliver. In 2021, Doshii saw a significant surge in customers with 70% of venues in Australia now able to leverage the Doshii technology. The steadfast growth of Doshii indicates a real need for greater efficiency, solutions and innovation in this space, which will be further delivered by the latest round of announcements.