How to order a prescription online: tips to make it easier
- Written by Tess Sanders Lazarus

Demand for online prescriptions is surging across the country with many Australians opting to order prescriptions online and have the medicines delivered directly to their door. The Daily Bulletin spoke with Dr Moshin, the founder of Home Doctor Service about the surge in online prescriptions.
“A lot of people are not aware that you can actually order prescriptions online,” Dr Mohsin said.
“Demanding is soaring across the country.
“While demand is rising, more awareness is urgently needed to let people know that you can actually book and see a doctor online and also order prescriptions online.”
“For many people who may be in isolation or would prefer to stay home rather than go out and put themselves at risk, seeing a doctor online or ordering prescriptions online is an easy and convenient way to stay on top of your health needs,” Dr Mohsin added.
"There are a number of online doctor sites in Australia that also offer prescription services.
“For people who need prescriptions for medications they may have run out of, or need repeats for, ordering a new prescription is easy and very cheap. Simply jump online to an online prescription website, choose the type of medication you need, answer some simple questions and a doctor will call you to discuss your requirements. Once satisfied, the doctor will prescribe the medication for you.
“You can arrange for the prescription to be sent to your nearest pharmacy and they will make it up straight away so you can collect the medication immediately, or you can have the medication delivered directly to your door for a small fee.”
Dr Mohsin believes as awareness grows, more and more people will choose to have their medications delivered directly to their door.
He has some tips for people in need of medication.
* Order your prescription online from a reputable online service provider
* Arrange for your prescription to be sent to your local or nearest pharmacy where possible
* Where the collection is not possible, arrange for it to be delivered to your home
* Ensure, if you are not going to be home, that it is left in a safe place that is out of view of the street, to avoid theft
* Should the delivery arrive while you are home – engage in social distancing and ask the driver to place the item on your front step so you can collect it once they have moved away
Dr Mohsin is encouraging people to source their health care needs online if possible.
“You are able to order your medication online and see a doctor online and it is much cheaper and safer than going to a medical centre,” Dr Mohsin added.
“Thanks to a Government change, online doctor services companies like Prime Medic are able to provide bulk-billed services to most Medicare holders from Monday 30 March,” Dr Mohsin added.
“With many people isolating and the prospect of further social distancing restrictions being implemented, online health is more important than ever.”