How To Create An Ideal Bedtime Routine
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Sleep is said to be highly essential. It’s recommended that one should have at least seven to nine hours of quality sleep daily. However, no matter how hard you may try to bring yourself to drift into dreamland, you might not be able to get the right amount of sleep to allow your body to fully recharge for the following day.
It’s believed that there are plenty of ways on how one can allow themself to have a good night’s sleep. While some people find the most comfort in wearing Pussyfoot Socks or other types of socks to feel comfort and warmth, there are more means you can increase your chances of falling asleep quickly.
One of the most effective ways you can do that is by establishing a good bedtime routine, as it allows you to train your body and mind into falling asleep during those hours. Moreover, below are the ways on how you can create an ideal bedtime routine:
1. Set Your Sleep Hours
A routine is a set of activities that you need to accomplish during a specific time during the day. When establishing a bedtime routine, you should set up a sleeping hours schedule so you could train your body and mind into drifting to sleep when the time strikes at your set hour. In this way, you can allow your body to adapt to the patterns introduced.
You can begin by setting an ideal time for your sleep that allows you to wake up at an appropriate time. While it may be difficult to adjust your waking hours, especially if you have work to do in the morning, you should set a sleep schedule that allows you to have a whole night of slumber. For example, if you need to wake up by 6 A.M., you can choose to hit the hay between 9 to 11 P.M. In this way, you can have seven to nine hours of sleep to prepare for the next day.
2. Relax Yourself
Minutes to hours before your bedtime, it’s recommended that you try to put yourself in a relaxing mood to help to put stress on the side and allow calmness to surround your body and mind. In this way, you won’t have any issues putting yourself in slumber as you’re already enveloped in a light and tranquil mood.
You can choose to take a warm and relaxing bath, listen to soothing music, put on a pair of bed socks, or diffuse some lavender oil in your room as they can help to make you sleep better and faster during the evenings.
3. Eat Two Hours Before Your Bedtime
Ideally, you should eat your dinner two hours before your bedtime and refrain from eating more after the said meal. In this way, you can allow your body to rest and fully absorb the nutrients from the food that you’ve consumed. If you choose to eat near your bedtime, it might cause acid reflux or disrupt your sleep.
If you feel a bit hungry near your bedtime, you should eat light and healthy snacks, ideally with a high melatonin content, so they could aid with helping you to sleep at night. You can choose to eat some strawberries, nuts, oats, cherries, or grapes too. It’s said that the less amount you’d consume, the better it’d be for your body.
4. Avoid Caffeine In The Afternoon
If you like to enjoy your day with a good cup of coffee, you should try to avoid having one in the afternoon if you’re aiming to have a good night’s sleep later in the evening. The best time to consume coffee and tea is believed to be in the morning, ideally during your breakfast. In this way, you can allow the caffeine to wake your body during the day and gradually remove its waking power as time goes by.
If you miss the taste of coffee for your afternoon breaks, you should consider switching to decaffeinated options to enjoy the flavour without the added caffeine content that can prevent you from sleeping well at night.
5. Put Any Technology Away
Before hitting the hay, you should refrain from using your phone, computer, or tablet. While you may find bedtime ideal for playing games, browsing the web, or watching your favourite shows, too much blue light may disrupt sleeping patterns. This might put you in a difficult place to sleep at night.
If you can’t stop using your phone or computer at least two hours before going to sleep as you need to handle important matters, consider wearing blue light glasses to prevent the effects of blue light from harming your body.
If you’re having trouble getting some good night’s sleep, establishing a good sleeping routine may help you with your worries. As you plan for the night, ensure that you give yourself quality rest, so you can allow your body to recharge and start the day full of vigour and energy. While it might be tempting to keep yourself busy and productive a few hours before bedtime, you should refrain from doing so and focus on keeping yourself relaxed and ready for a good night of sleep.
In the event that your sleeping troubles are starting to gravely affect your waking life, it’s highly advised to seek medical attention immediately.