5 Ways To Deal With Unemployment and Get Back Into the Workforce
- Written by News Company
Being unemployed has a number of challenges and they’re not all financial. It can affect you psychologically and sometimes it can be difficult to dig your way out of a rut when you don’t have a job and feel somewhat unproductive.
In this article, we’ll take a look at some key tips to help you deal with being unemployed and how you can get back into the workforce with gainful employment.

#1 - Ignore the Stigma
Being out of work and perhaps receiving government benefits is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a plight that many thousands of Australians are faced with everyday. There has been a bit of a negative stigma attached to being unemployed, but if you’re actively seeking work, try to avoid wallowing in negative thoughts or worrying about what everyone else might think of you.
#2 - Keep Active
Not only is remaining active on a daily basis great for you physically and mentally, but it’ll also help keep you motivated. The less active a person is the more lethargic they become and the lazier they feel.
Even just getting out and going for a regular walk can help. Doing some exercises and keeping in shape also ensures a more positive mental state and outlook. This is vital to remain in the right mindset to search for work, deal with interviews and actually land a job.
#3 - Search for Jobs Online
If you access the internet or data on your smartphone, there are a number of online resources available to help you search for jobs and find either part-time or full-time work.
Here’s a list of some of the more common resources for job-seeking in Australia:
Job Seeker
And more...
Checking at least some of these sites on a daily basis is a good practice to get into. These websites are updated constantly, even during the night, so it’s worth going online and doing a search at any time.
#4 - Join a Jobactive Provider for Assistance
Usually, you’ll need to be referred to a Jobactive provider by Centrelink and be receiving a government benefit. A Jobactive service provider is an organisation set up to specifically help unemployed people get back into the workforce.
There are many thousands of these service providers located all around the country, so to find a Jobactive provider in Australia near you, you can either ask to be referred to one at your local Centrelink office or do a search for providers in your area to see which ones are available and most convenient to your location.
Your Jobactive centre will allow you to use their equipment to search for jobs online, write and print resumes, have you partake in programs to help you build confidence and become job-ready, as well as let you know the courses that are available to you free of charge.
Your provider will even help you line up job interviews for positions that suit your skills and experience.
#5 - Network Online Or Join Some Social Media Groups
Apart from hitting the job search websites, even social media can be a gold mine when it comes to finding referrals to potential employers. LinkedIn is one such social job networking site that can prove invaluable to job seekers. If you create a detailed profile including your skills and experience and join some relevant LinkedIn groups, you’ll soon start to gain connections in your area, around the country and even globally.
Facebook can also be a very useful social media site when it comes to networking in the job market. Maybe someone in your circle of online friends knows of an open position, or can at least help you put the word out to their circle that you’re looking for a job.
Just about everyone has access to decent internet these days, so getting online is seriously one of the most productive ways you can use your time when searching for work, or even expanding your skills to make you more employable.
Someone in your social networks might be aware of some budget-priced or free courses that you can join to enhance your resume.
Just stay active and social online and you’re bound to find a position that suits you sooner rather than later.