The Journey From Local Trader to Global Store
- Written by News Company

It’s the ambition of many local artisans and traders to take their product to the global market. Everyone has to start from somewhere, and so there’s no reason why even the most humble of local traders cannot make the long and fulfilling journey to becoming an international salesperson with hundreds of sale per day, or per hour, even. This article walks you through this journey, focusing on any readers who might consider this path themselves, and directing them towards greater successes. Increasing your sales requires drive and ingenuity - and this is detailed in what follows below.
The very first stage in creating a globally-recognisable brand is to bring yourself from the physical into the virtual space. You’ll likely have received advice from friends or family to do just that - to put your business on the internet to expand your reach.
You can sell and publicise your product in many ways by heading online, gathering views and fans from all corners of the earth who’re looking for exactly what you’re selling. You might choose to:
* Set up your own website with a commerce channel to sell your products
* Set up an account on independent artisan pages
* Use large marketplaces like Amazon, Google, and eBay
* Simply market your products, with an email arrangement for when you sell
As you scale larger and larger, you’re going to want to centralise your sales onto your own website - by far the most impressive and professional option for growing and ambitious companies.
Marketing and Awareness
As you enter into wider spheres of interest thanks to your new web offerings, it’s time to turn your attentions towards the marketing and awareness-building sides of your growing business. You need to get more people to click through to your site, and you need to link interested web users with the products that they’re looking for.
In order to do this, the future global megastore owner must create a savvy marketing strategy, ensuring at all times that an international audience is encouraged to shop. By expanding into international ecommerce and offering different payments systems and shipping worldwide, you’ll see a significant increase in your capability to attract customers from all over the world who’re looking for those unique products they’re unable to find in the shops.
Staff and Workforce
Soon enough, you’ll go from being a sole proprietor to a manager and owner who’ll have to hire a modest workforce to deal with logistical planning, marketing campaigns, customer service, and all other office-related jobs. As this team grows, you’ll find yourself truly establishing yourself in the world of trade. If you happen to grow so large that you expand your offices abroad, you’ll have truly become a global online megastore.
As well as hiring staff, you’ll also always have the option of simply outsourcing some of the trickier business tasks to specialists so that you’ll be able to focus on what really matters - expanding the number of sales that your website generates.