What CompTIA A+ Through Exam 220-901 Has in Store for You?
- Written by John Emerich

If the globally-acknowledged CompTIA A+ certification hasn’t reached to you yet, then you’re in the right place to learn anything about this important credential. There's no question that CompTIA A+ certification and its required exams are considered first-rate credentials.
First things first, CompTIA has long established its credibility in producing certified professionals who contribute to the progress of the IT marketplace. Well-trusted by various IT companies and industries, this is ideal for professionals who wish to validate their expertise in the field of informational technology.
To acquire a CompTIA A+ certification, specifically, one must be able to meet all of the essential requirements. One of the demands you must be able to successfully pass is the required 220-901 exam. This exam comes along with 220-902 exam. These two will determine whether you are a candidate suited to obtain an industry-recognized certification like CompTIA A+.
Career advantages of CompTIA A+ certification
But before anything else, let’s talk about the significant impact a CompTIA A+ certification brings in your career. Passing 220-901 exam serves as an effective channel in giving your IT career a direct boost. This also elevates your identity as an IT professional―be it in the form of promotion, salary, or more career recognition.
Higher Pay
Some of the most important questions when talking about the advantages you can gain in this certification always include the topic of salaries. If you’re already a certified CompTIA A+ professional, then expect to have a rewarding and justifiable salary. For a Field Service Technician, you can receive an average salary of $46,000. On the other hand, the position of a Help Desk Tier 2 Support gives you an average salary of $45,000. In this way, your run as a certified IT professional will be fulfilling since you will be eased from monetary problems. On the other hand, if you choose the track of a Support Specialist, an average salary of $54,500 will be given to you as a CompTIA A+ certified while a $60,000 salary will be given for Desktop Support Analysts.
Includes you in a strong and progressive community
Upon gaining your CompTIA A+ certification, you will be part of the growing 1 million IT professionals who continuously promote learning and meaningful interaction. This is a fulfilling opportunity to mingle and grow with same-minded individuals who will help you advance in your personal and professional life.
It does not box your career opportunities
This certification allows you to explore different vendor environments that are essential for your career growth. It is not basically geared for vendor-specific hardware and software but will then open more doors for cybersecurity and computer networking areas. Hence, it will lead you to seek better employment from well-known companies.
Better employment
If you can pass CompTIA A+ certification exams, you’re considered to be well-grounded and equipped with the essential tech knowledge and experience. This makes you a great candidate among managers as they know the competence needed in gaining a CompTIA A+ certification.
Increased Productivity
Having this certification as one of your credentials is a give-and-take process once you get accepted in a particular company. In simpler terms, you will not only benefit from the advantages the certification offers―that is to get better chances of employment, higher salary, to name a few―but the company will also reap more success as your knowledge and skills will serve the best of its purpose. Your managers and co-workers will recognize the efficiency and effort that you put in your work, which will then give you an advantage and the company as a whole.
Role of Exam 220-901
Layout a strong foundation in your IT career through the benefits you can gain from the highly acclaimed CompTIA A+ certification. This fits in various IT operational positions and has been considered as a standardized credential for technical support. Topics covered in the exam range from mobile device hardware, network connectivity problems, and fixing hardware and PC hardware. You must answer a total of 90 questions in a span of 90 minutes. These will be presented in a combination of performance-based, drag and drops, and multiple choice question format.
Being able to pass this entry-level exam means you are a candidate who can masterfully troubleshoot and solve problems relating to security, networking, and operating systems as well as mobile devices. If you reach a score of 675, that means you have successfully passed the exam. The price of the exam is $211 USD. Moreover, you are recommended to have at least 9 to 12 months of labor field experience so that you can easily and fully comprehend the exam objectives. You can renew your CompTIA A+ certification after three years of your successful completion of the exam.
Preparation for the exam
There are about 9 skills that you can hone in the whole course of obtaining this certification. Security, of course, comes as a primary skill essential in passing the exam as well as networking, hardware, and mobile devices. Aside from that, you’ll be able to sharpen your knowledge and skills on software, hardware, and network troubleshooting and Windows operating systems, operational procedures, and other OS and technologies.
The Certification Study Guide gives you the opportunity to prepare better and be inlined with the topics covered in the exam. One thing you will learn here is the ability to efficiently install, configure, and troubleshoot necessary components and devices. These include peripheral devices, system components, wired and wireless LAN links, and internet access devices, along with print devices. Exam dumps, for example, ExamSnap CompTIA A+ Certification Practice Test Part 8 220-901 Exam Questions can be useful in your exam preparation.
Staying in the sphere of IT is equivalent to growing as an IT professional. To do that comes with the action of investing in a certification that guarantees your expertise and recognition in the IT marketplace. CompTIA A+ certification has all the combination for a promising professional life. Start with passing 220-901 exam, then move on to the other required exam, 220-902. These two requisites will now guarantee you with a life-long back-up, which is all designed to upgrade your career.