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- Written by News Company
The world of coding and technical development is a rapidly growing space. Thirty years ago there were very few people employed as programmers, now it is a whole employment sector in its own right and one that is said to hold the best career prospects for many years to come. It might sound inconceivable to the older generation but the truth is that keyboard skills are now more highly sought after than traditional jobs or professions. So how do you get into the industry if you are not a coder? Obviously not everybody has the skills or the background to crack it, but working in development is more than just coding, here are some examples of career opportunities you might want to consider.

Project Management
If you are organized and a good leader you might have the skills to make this role work. Are you the party planner, the list maker or the go-to organizer for your sports team? If you answered yes to any of these questions you might just find that you have the basic skills required to be a good project manager. Obviously you will need to up-skill yourself to better understand the nature of the industry and the people whose projects you are managing but that can be done. There are plenty of courses available at reputable institutions or online and there is also good project planning software available to help make your life easier. So if you fancy the challenge of getting jobs down in time, on budget and according to specification then being a project manager could be for you.
Almost every piece of coding or development requires a designer to ensure that it doesn’t just work that it looks good as well. Typically coders are great at writing the source code, but they are not great at the look and feel and the user experience. That is where designers and UX experts come into play – people who focus not on the actual functionality but on the relationship between the user and the product. And where coding is like writing a language, for those who think more visually, a career in design could be the way forward for you.
Every product needs an audience or users. There is no point in developing the most incredible platform or application if it is not going to be used by anybody and that is where the business sales team comes in. Sales might sound boring or you might think that it doesn’t offer the rewards or security of being a coder, but the truth is that a good sales person, selling a good product, stands to make a fortune. To excel in this role you will not only need good sales and inter-personal skills, you will also need to understand the product, it’s capabilities and what has gone into making it. As such you need to be tech-savvy and up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the industry. In short you need to be a subject matter expert because it is you who will demonstrating the product to the world.