Why You Should Have Your Microwave Tested

If you’ve never had your microwave tested, you could be in breach of the law (as a business) and you’re putting all workers in danger. Both of these scenarios can cause lots of stress, financial penalties, and a hit to your reputation. Each year, thousands of businesses forgo electrical testing, and this is a problem. However, the majority of cases are caused by naivety as opposed to negligence.
With this in mind, you’re going to learn all about the importance of testing your microwave in this guide!
OHS/WHS Compliance
Once upon a time, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards ensured that businesses provided a safe workplace for all workers, visitors, and others. Now, it’s the WHS (Workplace Health and Safety). Although a different name, the aim is the same - to ensure that businesses are providing safe premises for all people entering.
By law, businesses should mitigate security risks, provide a safe environment for all, promote safety to all employees, and continuously monitor the company’s practices. Many standards and practices fall under this umbrella, and electrical testing is one of them. If you have a microwave in the building, it should be tested and tagged to comply with WHS standards.
Often, businesses think about their computers, extensive Wi-Fi networks, servers, and other technology in the office. However, they forget about something simple like a microwave. If employees use it regularly, testing this equipment is just as important as testing computers.
Not only do microwaves contain all sorts of electrical systems, but their purpose is also to create radiation waves. When a microwave stops working properly, there’s a risk of radiation leakage, issues with the electrical systems, fires, and more. With a simple test, a company like Jim's Test & Tag will assess the condition of the microwave and identify any potential problems. After testing, all safe microwaves are tagged, and the business remains compliant with all WHS regulations until the next check.
Employee Safety
It’s natural to worry about compliance with the law, but you should test microwaves for the health and safety of your workers too. With radiation and complex electrical systems, there’s a risk of injury when using a microwave and your employees deserve protection. With no testing, the risk of injury climbs as the microwave gets older. With simple testing, you reduce the risk and keep all employees from harm.
Employee Confidence
In the modern world, workers want to feel appreciated and valued by companies. If you don’t even go to the effort of testing microwaves, they may feel as though this appreciation is lacking. If you aren’t testing a microwave, what other corners may you cut? With proper testing and tagging, employees feel valued and appreciate that you take their safety seriously.
Peace of Mind
Finally, nothing can replace the peace of mind that comes with knowing that all the electrical gadgets and appliances are safe for use in the workplace. With testing and tagging, you know that everything has been checked by a professional and that all issues have been identified. If there’s a problem, you can take the microwave for repair or replace it (before it has a chance to injure somebody!).
You remain compliant with WHS regulations, you boost employee confidence, you keep workers from harm, and you get peace of mind. With affordable testing and tagging services, there’s no longer an excuse to forgo this simple task. Get your microwave tested this year and ensure that it’s fit for purpose in your workplace!