Daily Bulletin

Business Mentor


  • Written by News Co Media

Especially because so many people aren't using their cars to commute to and from the work during quarantine measures, many people are re-evaluating what they're spending on their car insurance. Car insurance is an important form of insurance to pay for each year, but just because it's smart to have (and in most states and regions, required by law) doesn't mean it has to cost you an arm and a leg. While it's possible to lower your car insurance by switching insurance companies, here are five factors that will make your car insurance more expensive no matter how hard you try.

How Old You Are.

Everyone knows that young drivers are likely to pay more for their auto insurance than older drivers, but have you ever really stopped to think about how much of a factor age really is when it comes to your insurance quote? Perhaps one of the biggest factors to any car insurance company, teenage drivers are likely to pay thousands of dollars more for auto insurance than drivers in their fifties. This is because, generally speaking, a teenager is more likely to be in an at-fault accident or responsible for property damage or bodily injury than someone with a fully developed brain and more driving experience. That being said, if you're a teenager headed to a four-year university, you may be able to qualify for lower car insurance costs through special promotions offered by different companies.

What Your Credit Score Is.

Your credit score is such an important factor when it comes to a variety of "adult" expenses, and that's particularly true when it comes to insurance. While people with lower credit typically file more claims than those with higher credit, the insurance rates you'll qualify for alone will likely be significantly higher if you have lower credit. As such, if you want to qualify for better rates, it's not a bad idea to lower your debts and increase your credit score.

Your Past Driving History.

Put simply: if you've got a few accidents on your driving record, it doesn't matter what your credit score is or how old you are, since insurers will view you as accident-prone. While DUIs and reckless driving charges will impact your insurance premiums, even speeding tickets can raise red flags for any insurance company working to come up with a comprehensive car insurance quote. Keeping a clean driving record is thus of the utmost importance when it comes to lowering your insurance rate.

Where You Live.

Since car insurance is regulated locally, different states or areas are going to have different costs associated with insurance. In some cases, different regions will ask you to have more comprehensive car insurance than other parts of the country, which could increase your cost quite a bit. While you aren't likely to pick up and move just because of an area's car insurance rate, it's still worth knowing about this factor if you do have a move planned in your future.

How Long You've Been Driving.

The longer you've been driving, the less risky you're seen as a customer to an auto insurance company. As such, one of the best ways to lower your car insurance cost is to stay accident-free across many years of driving. While this isn't very helpful advice for younger or newer drivers, it does at least give you a goal to set for yourself as you grow more comfortable behind the wheel.

If you feel good about the above five factors but still think you're paying too much for your auto insurance, it may be worth heading online to search for cheap car insurance. A website like iSelect has the tools and resources to make your comparison simple and efficient, giving you more time to enjoy your life with the peace of mind that you've found a worthwhile insurance company to switch to. Comparing local auto insurance rates is easy with comparison tools such as iSelect, which ultimately offer you more control over the features of your auto insurance quote in addition to lowering the cost.

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