Home living; simple ways to keep your family home clean
- Written by Cara Barilla; Educational Columnist and journalist

It is essential that 2017 modern families have order in the household. This doesn't necessarily mean strict structure for the home though an easy set schedule at your pace of where your belongings are and showing your children effective learnings of cleanliness, placement and maintenance should be brought to the surface in every busy household. As today's society is fast paced, consumed in "event after event" living; we sometimes forget that we have a messy nest of chores to come home to. we need to take time to restore the home life and setting Some boundaries with tidiness. Here are some simple steps to assist in a cleaner more manageable home for the modern family.
De clutter
All of those items, trinkets and decor that doesn't serve a purpose of practicality should either be stored away where you can't see it or potentially de cluttered for your local op shop - thrift shop or given away. This means less to clean and wipe, led to look at and an easy less detailed life surrounding.
Don't double up the items
Less is more; if you have more than one item that is no longer serving you any good of practicality, value or sentiment such as magazines, books, vases, or any other items that can also be de cluttered.
Have lots of storage
If you feel you just can't get rid of certain objects it's very handy to have additional storage to de clutter and keep your sentimental items. Whether it be clothes, decor, furniture or anything else; working with storage cabinets, boxes, ottomans and chests are very useful.
Designate places for every child's item
Assigning set places for yours and your child's items is very effective for long term tidiness, removes the bad habit of laziness and gives them responsibility.
Delegate cleaning chores
Giving every person in the household cleaning duties means cooperation, family bonding, synchronicity and creates balance in the household. You could potentially keep a chart on the fridge or in a "notepad drawer" with a set schedule of each persons daily task.
Move things around: feng shui and the art of shifting things around the home not only moves around energy; it's clearing and gives a positive sense of control and order in the home. Whether you change around decor, pillows, art pieces, frames or bigger items. Maintaining the knowingness of where everything is has great effective importance to ones inner clarity.
This is also very therapeutic.