Inquiry into Violence against NSW Police and Emergency Services Personnel
- Written by Amanda Hall

The Chair of the Legislative Assembly Committee on Law and Safety, Mr Geoff Provest MP, today announced that the Committee will conduct an inquiry into violence against emergency services personnel.
“I am deeply concerned at reports that a number of serious assaults have taken place against NSW emergency services personnel in the line of duty” said Mr Provest. “The Committee shares my concern that anyone would see fit to assault an emergency worker. These people perform invaluable work keeping our community safe and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect”.
The Committee will inquire into the extent of the problem, and the adequacy of measures to prevent and address it. Specifically, the inquiry will consider:
* Whether current sentencing options for people who assault or murder emergency services personnel remain effective;
* Possible options for reform;
* The adequacy of other measures, including internal policies and procedures, training, and public education campaigns, to ensure emergency services personnel are protected from violence;
any other related matter.
Mr Provest said that in conducting its inquiry, the Committee will have regard to:
* All emergency services personnel, including police; ambulance officers; firefighters; protective services officers; SES workers; lifesavers; marine rescuers; and nurses, doctors and other hospital staff who provide or support emergency treatment;
* The incidence of assaults on and homicides of emergency services personnel;
* Current sentencing patterns for assaults on and homicides of emergency services personnel;
* The experience of other jurisdictions.
“To confront this issue, we need to consider what tools we currently have at our disposal, and where there is room for improvement” said Mr Provest.
The closing date for submissions to the inquiry is 24 June 2016 OR 22 July 2016.
Further information about the inquiry, including information on how to lodge a submission, can be obtained by visiting the Committee’s webpage at or by contacting Elspeth Dyer, Committee Manager, on (02) 9230 2214.