Di Natalie tells us what Shorten won’t
- Written by Senator Abetz Media Release

Greens Leader Richard Di Natale has today confirmed that if Bill Shorten is elected as Prime Minister, the Greens “can enter into an arrangement with the Labor party to support them in government in the same way we have [in 2010]”.
Senator Di Natale also said that under such an arrangement, the Greens should take Cabinet posts in a future Labor-Green Government, including a bid for the Greens to hold the environment portfolio.
“The election hasn’t even been announced but the Greens Leader is already talking about having Green Ministers in a Shorten Government,” Senator Abetz said today.
“This display of typical Green arrogance highlights the need for every Australian who is concerned about their jobs and economic growth, strong border protection and financial responsibility need to vote for the Liberal Party both in the House of Representatives and the Senate.”
“Tasmanians have learnt to their cost the damage Labor/Green Governments can do. Green/Labor Governments have been tried and dismally failed:
They have cost jobs;
They have stifled economic activity and been anti-development;
They have pushed a radical social agenda and sidelined mainstream Australians; and
They have been unstable and divided.”
“And if that wasn’t enough, the Greens also want to tax you more, they want to promote social engineering including in schools and they want to advance a radical left-wing agenda – all as a part of a Shorten Green/Labor Government.”
“We already know that the Greens and Labor are in lock-step because of Labor’s extreme policies to bring back a Carbon Tax on steroids and to introduce taxes on hardworking and aspirational Australians.”
“It also means that a Shorten Labor-Green Government would seek to lockup more land in Tasmania and drive up taxes on hard-working families.”
“Australia – and Tasmania in particular – can’t afford to risk another Labor-Green federal Government,” Senator Abetz concluded.