Does Childhood Stress Have Anything To Do With Oral Health?
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If you have kids, you may wonder if there is any relationship between your child's stress level and oral health. If childhood stress affects your kid's oral health, what you can do to reduce the stress level. The experienced dentist Sunshine offers oral health care solutions for children. They believe in developing healthy habits in your kid to lay the foundation of strong oral health throughout his life.

Let's discuss all in detail. Then, you will get the answer to your question in this article.
Factors influencing a child's stress level
Stress is common for both adults and children. The form of stress is different for different age groups. It results from your response to internal and external circumstances and your ability to deal with them. Your child's day-to-day activities, your expectations from him and other responsibilities at school or home can be sources of stress. Stress is normal for all; everyone experiences it in daily life. However, too much stress is not good for anyone. It can harm all aspects of your kid's health, including his teeth and gum. The oral health issue is an indication of your child's overall health.
Environment and genetics play a significant role in affecting stress and your ability to manage it. Though stress indicates mental condition, your dentist may observe your child's behaviour or ask questions to analyse his stress level.
Negative effects
Stress can harm your child's health and body beyond your imagination. Some are visible through your child's behaviour, while you may have to analyse others through research or seeking professional help. Helping your child to manage his stress is more important than investigating the underlying mechanism.
You can seek help from your dentist to manage the anxiety of your children. Stress negatively affects their teeth and gum in the following way:
- It may trigger an unhealthy habit of consuming overly sugary foods or overeating.
- It may interfere with proper brushing and cleaning of teeth twice a day.
- It increases the risk of gum and tooth infection.
- It can cause teeth grinding and jaw issues.
- It decreases immunity.
You can take the help of your local dentist, therapists, medical professionals, and school counsellors to manage your child's stress level.
What can you do as a parent?
While the right solution for stress management varies from child to child, it depends on the factors, stress level, age, and many other circumstances. You can give special attention to your child's oral health and visit your dentist for a possible solution. Additionally, if you can analyse other related concerns, you must take the required steps to address those issues.
Identifying the exact source of stress may be challenging for you. However, you can motivate your child and set him up for success in his small daily life activities by preventing the situation that he thinks stressful. You can also teach your child to manage stress by following a healthy lifestyle like doing exercises, listening to beautiful music, playing, and exploring nature.
Some healthy methods that may help your child to manage stress and avoid associated dental issues are:
- Avoiding the sources that trigger stress.
- Developing healthy habits of practising proper dental hygiene, having a balanced diet, exercising, etc.
- Making them get enough sleep by setting a fixed bedtime and wake-up time.
- Ensuring they brush their teeth for at least two minutes twice daily and rinse them after every meal.
- Helping them develop coping skills to reduce stress, including drawing, listening to music, and taking deep breathing exercises.
Final Thought
Insightful parentscan take the help of various options to help their children manage, reduce and prevent stress. You can act as a role model for your child and help them developing stress-coping techniques. You have already set your step towards your journey by educating yourself about stress and its relation to oral health issues.