The ‘Netflix of health’ is set to hit Canberra women’s screens
- Written by Tess Sanders Lazarus

Capital Chicks CANberra is a health initiative empowering women in Canberra and the ACT to make healthy living easier and to reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases that can be linked to lifestyle.
According to the Capital Chicks CANberra spokesperson, Rebecca McPhee, Project Lead, Healthy Women ACT, Diabetes NSW & ACT, the initiative is centred on an online community that is designed to give women access to evidence-based tools, tips and resources specific to their needs.
This initiative has been described as the ‘Netflix of health,” McPhee said.
Users can select their life-stage and then access the information that is relevant to them – from programs to podcasts, videos, recipes, giveaways, events and workouts.
Through our four cartoon chicks - Nina (32), Prima (42), Salima (35), and Tina (38) we represent the very real ‘life stage’ challenges being experienced by women of all ages every day. We capture the authentic struggles, with a sense of humour that connects and resonates.”
The not for profit initiative is being delivered by Diabetes NSW & ACT, and proudly funded by the ACT Government through the Department of Preventative and Population Health.
Women in Canberra and the ACT have the highest rates of gestational diabetes, with one in seven pregnancies testing positive. On top of this, 50 percent of the women who have gestational diabetes will go on to develop type 2 diabetes within the next 10 to 20 years,” McPhee said.
While these statistics are scary, there is good news. Despite there being some non-modifiable risk factors such as genetics and age, in many cases gestational diabetes can be prevented through lifestyle choices.
The aim of Capital Chicks CANberra is to help women be healthier together, and to reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes and the risk factors linked to type 2 diabetes in the region.”
According to McPhee, Capital Chicks CANberra is inclusive for women at any stage in their lives – whether they are trying to conceive, currently pregnant, pregnant with gestational diabetes, in between pregnancies, or post pregnancy.
Just like Netflix, the online Capital Chicks CANberra platform can be accessed by internet through nearly any type of device. It includes content that can be downloaded including resources that are in line with your preferences and lifestyle,” McPhee said.
We strongly believe that the initiative will be popular amongst all women in Canberra and will have an incredibly positive impact on their lives.”
McPhee emphasises that Capital Chicks CANberra is tailored so that whether the user wants to connect with other like-minded women, get fit, lose weight, prevent disease such as gestational and type 2 diabetes, or just live healthier and happier, it will meet their expectations.
The online community and dedicated experts have the women of Canberra and the ACT covered in a supporting and non-judgmental online environment,” McPhee added.
It is also free for all women in Canberra and the ACT. Women do not need to worry about cost or any locked-in, rigid contracts. It is as easy as creating a free login at
The ACT Government has made this program possible by subsidising it for all users under the Healthy Canberra Grant: Focus on Preventing Diabetes Scheme.
We are really excited to see how the women of Canberra and the ACT take to the program. We have packed it with quick tips and hacks centred on making healthy living simple and easier than ever. And our chicks help to disarm and charm,” McPhee said.
Resources within Capital Chicks CANberra include:
Easy to shop, quick to prepare, delicious and healthy recipes
Access to resources on prevention and management of gestational diabetes, type 2 diabetes
Monthly campaigns on key topics
Fun workouts that suit a range of fitness abilities and time-conscious schedules
Tips for stress relief and improving mood.
Inspiring quotes and stories to keep you motivated
Canberra local picks – from pram walks to eating out
Access to 'Ask an expert' where members have the opportunity to ask questions about nutrition, physical activity and general health to one of our in-house expert health professionals
According to McPhee, the team behind Capital Chicks CANberra are second-to-none.
Our team of expert health professionals are university qualified, trained in health coaching and have the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for ensuring all information and advice is delivered in accordance with best practice,” McPhee said.
The ACT Government is dedicated to delivering diabetes-centred healthcare services and information to their consumers.
It is critically important to them to provide Canberra women with high quality, safe and effective health and health related advice based on contemporary and evidence-based guidelines. To make women feel comfortable – their processes and services align with and support the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights.”
Capital Chicks CANberra is set to launch early August. To get started, women of Canberra and the wider ACT community should take the Wellbeing Check Quiz on their website to learn more about their wellbeing motivations and triggers.