Some Important Facts About Skin Check Sydney
- Written by News Company
Skin checks are performed to identify the skin cancer. They can be performed by self examination or by a doctor. How often this occurs depends on the risk of developing skin cancer. When you choose a Skin Clinic to have your skin check it is important to consider the qualifications of staff, information and follow up, cost, as well as waiting times and location of the are the best for skin check Sydney.
What Do Doctors Look For In A Skin Check?
When performing skin check for adults, doctors see to the skin changes and moles or freckles with unusual features like asymmetry, irregular borders, colour and increasing size. When performing skin check for child doctors see for new moles or freckles with unusual features including uniform red or pink coloured freckles or moles which bleed or bumpy moles.
During a skin check the doctor will examine your entire skin surface including areas not usually exposed to sunlight. They measure the size of moles and freckles.The doctor may examine suspicious spots using a handheld microscope called a dermatoscope. Photographs of suspicious moles or your whole skin surface may also be taken.
The doctor on identifying a suspicious mole may send it for biopsy. The cost of skin check varies depending on the clinic and the doctor. To find out more search for your local doctor such as skin check parramatta
Why Are Skin Checks Important?
Skin checks for Melanoma or other skin cancers at clinics or doctors offices are not performed regularly like the checks for other cancers. They are performed when a person asks the doctor or when a doctor identifies a patient that may require a skin check. How many times this should be done depends on the patient's risk.
There are some people that are likely to attend for skin check. These include people with fair skin of the age 42-49 those who had a skin cancer before and those who perceive they are at risk of skin cancer. People who ask the doctor for skin check tend to have a high level of education and have concerns about suspicious skin changes which they identified through self examination. General practitioners are the first point of call for patients in need of an examination and perform the majority of skin cancer checks . There are a growing number of specialised skin cancer clinics to attend in Australia.
Finding The Right Skin Clinic
There are a growing number of Skin Clinics in Australia and many factors to consider when choosing the right clinic to visit for skin check, for assessing whether or not attending a specialist clinic offers any benefits over the visit to a general practitioner. It is important to know that many Skin Clinics are run by general practitioners not dermatologists.
What Are The Staff Qualifications?
The experience and qualification of the doctor examining the skin are important. For the initial assessment of suspicious skin lesions, visiting a general practitioner is recommended. The general practitioner is the best place to take the examination because they are familiar with your medical history. He can refer onto a specialist if this is required. You can ask a doctor for a referral to a specialist if you are unsure and you would like a second opinion on the diagnosis.
A number of specialists may be involved in assessment and treatment of skin lesions. These are Dermatologist and surgical oncologist. The Australian Cancer Council provides a searchable directory of specialists that are involved in skin cancer treatment, so you can choose one according to the factors which influence your choice like cost, waiting time and area of residence.