5 Funniest College Prank Stories Told In The Internet
- Written by NewsServices.com

Some people just love living vicariously through others. We know that college is not to be taken lightly, and pranks can be risky at times. While we think that the art of pranking is something that anyone can practice, not everyone would go the extra mile just to do something funny. But that doesn’t mean other people can’t let loose of their tickle spots and indulge in hilarious practical joke stories! Are you just lurking around the internet to find funny things to read? Or are you an aspiring college prankster looking for ideas to hatch your plan yourself? For whatever reason, you will enjoy this compilation of prank stories! You won’t have to search every nook and cranny to find the best ones on the internet anymore because we got you covered!
Thinking about doing something insanely hilarious but still want to keep it safe? You can try doing a classic prank call from Ownage Pranks! They make the most hilarious and convenient automatic prank calls that you can try for your friends and family. So what’s the best part? They wouldn’t know it’s you because Ownage Pranks values your anonymity more than anyone else!Angry RA
This funny story about a meanie is one of the most upvoted stories on /AskReddit.
This one was committed by myself and several guys in our freshmen college dorm.We had an absolute dick of an RA. He was always on our cases about noise, girls in rooms after hours, alcohol, etc. He was one of the early risers. He would wake up at 5 am every morning and head to the showers. He would always make it a point to sing or whistle as he walked trying to wake up everyone he could.
The plan was hatched. We started taping newspapers over the outside of his door frame. The first morning he woke up to a wall of the newspaper. We did this for almost two months. Every day we would wait for him to go to sleep and put the newspaper up. After a month he would just walk through the newspaper and ignore it. Closing in on the two-month mark he had started to do stuff like run through it or rip through it like the hulk.A guy that lived in the hall had an internship at a warehouse that is a major distribution center. He managed to score a palette of old phone books that were going to be destroyed. We got the phone books back to the dorm without our RA noticing. That night after he went to bed we put the customary newspaper over the door frame, but this time we added a little extra. We built a wall 4 feet thick out of old phone books behind the newspaper. We waited.
Sure enough at 5 am his alarm goes off and he opens the door to the newspaper. We hear him take a few steps back and then sprint headfirst into the phonebook wall. The grunt and following profanity provided many days worth of laughter. The icing on the cake was that it took him a full hour to tear down the phone book wall in order to be able to get out of his room.Tinfoil Attack
Stuck in a prank war? You can try this genius (albeit time-consuming) tinfoil prank also from /AskReddit
In my first year of university, I had a prank war going on with my neighbor in the halls of residence. She kept catching me with everything I was trying to do so I knew I had to get her properly.She was going away one weekend and I knew it was my time to strike. I intended on getting into her room and covering everything in tinfoil, but obviously, the hard part was working out how to get in without the key. I experimented on my own door handle to see if I could unlock the door from inside if I took both parts of the handle off. This didn't work and we got an inspection whilst my handle was off and I had to hide it from the university staff haha... I tried a credit card, a safety pin. Pretty much everything and nothing worked. These locks were pretty foolproof.
I was determined to pull this off by this point... And I realized that the only way in would be from the inside. She was due to leave on Friday at around 10 am I think, so as she was getting her bags together I called her into my room to distract her. She nearly locked her door before coming to speak to me so I had to think on my feet and just shouted at her to come that second. While she was in my room, one of our friends snuck into her room and hid under her bed.. When the girl left my room, she took her bag and locked the door, leaving our friend inside her room! After about 3 minutes we gave the all-clear, our under-the-bed-friend unlocked the door from the inside, and we were in. 3 days and about 30+ rolls of tinfoil later, I had lost the will to live but completed the best prank EVER. We covered everything.. Ceiling, floor, shelves, bed, EVERY ITEM ON VIEW including coins, jewelry, books... The whole bathroom...When she came back we hid the friend in the room again with a video camera, so when she unlocked her door we had the full reaction. Amazing!
Edit: Forgot to mention during the tin foiling process I managed to blow the power in the entire building by plugging in a foil-covered plug (my mind was frazzled from 3 days worth of gleaming foil). I had to pretend my hairdryer had blown a fuse by wetting my hair under the tap and running over to maintenance, the whole time getting terrified I was going to be kicked out of uni for breaking into someone's room.Pingpong Thief
Also from /AskReddit, this one is in a dorm room setting too - but with lots of ping pong paddles.
Freshman year, I lived in one of the residence halls at my college. The other guys on my floor were all really into ping pong, so I decided to test their affinity for the game. The night before I left for Christmas break, I snuck into the room with the ping pong table while everyone was sleeping, took all of the paddles, and packed them into my suitcase. I took all of them home with me and left them there. When I got back, everyone lost their shit; the floor reps bought a new set and held a meeting with everyone on the floor to try and figure out who the culprit was. They even went to put lost posters all over the building. No success.They forgot about it after 2 weeks, but when spring break came along, I decided to return them so I could see them confused as hell once again; confused they were. This time, they weren't necessarily mad like the last time, but still entertaining to watch. To this day, nearly 2 years later, none of them have figured out that I was the perpetrator.
Magic Mushrooms
These guys are surely ready to take a trip - not on psychedelics but on hilarity!
I feel horrible for doing this... A couple of buddies and I were at a house party late one night. I turn to one of my friends and say, "We should take some of those dried mushrooms on top of the fridge, put them in a ziplock, and convince the next person who walks in that they're magical. My buddy Jeff walks in and my other friend, Zack, says "hey, we got some shrooms if you wanna trip." Jeff, of course, says yes. So we divide up the bag between the 3 of us (we figured us eating them too would really sell the lie) and chow down. I throw all of mine into my mouth, begin chewing, and immediately regret it. I sprint over to the sink and spit up everything in my mouth and begin to gag into a trash can. From behind, I overhear Jeff say, "what are you doing man?! Those are still good!!" He walks his way over to the cabinet, grabs a hotdog bun, and scoops everything out of the sink into the hotdog bun. Eats it. My buddy Zack and I have tears in our eyes from holding back the laughter. After Jeff gags down my puke, he looks into the fridge, has a curious look on his face then says, "those weren't real, were they?" Rotfl doesn't do it justice. I couldn't breathe. I was laughing so hard.I look back on it now and regret it. It was a terrible thing for me to do. BUT! The good news: Jeff and I became best friends after that. He is the best man at my wedding coming up in June.
Sealing The Wasted Kid
Like the tinfoil story earlier, this /AskReddit entry strikes a more alternative prank: the use of saran wrap!
Some kid got completely shit faced in the dorm hall so we took him to his bed and saran wrapped his legs together, then got an air hour, duct-taped the button down chucked in his room, and turned the lights off.What a wild ride it must have been for these people! Found a favorite story that you enjoyed or even want to go as far as to try in real life? Cool! Just make sure to keep it safe and calculate the risks and disadvantages as much as possible.
And once you’re done making your prank ideas come to life, don’t forget to download these 7 apps that college students couldn’t live without. Remember to play hard but study harder!