Why Possum Traps Are the Best Possum Control
- Written by NewsServices.com

Possums might be cute, but they cease being cute when they are coming into your home and being a pest. You will know when they are around because they leave their calling card in the form of droppings and urine. They can also destroy a garden in a short amount of time by eating everything that it contains. Possums are adaptable because they can live in just about any environment and survive even when their habitat is disrupted. No one wants possums in their yard or home so what is the best way to get rid of them? Possum traps are the best possum control and here are the reasons why.
Baiting Your Trap
First, a possum trap is a way to trap the pest without harming it. A possum trap is most effective when it is baited with something that a possum cannot resist. Possums are not fussy eaters, in fact, the more fowl the bait smells, the better. Possums will be attracted in droves to your live trap, and you may need more than one trap. Some people use canned pet food while others use fish or apples. Some of the best bait is cheese, rotten eggs or newly spoiled meat.
Catching Possums
When you have a possum in your live trap you might think it is not alive. Why? There is a phrase “playing possum” which originates from the behaviour of possums whereby they play dead when they feel threatened or are suddenly startled. Possums are good at playing dead but that does not mean that they are totally harmless. When a possum does a lot of digging and burrowing under your home it can seriously compromise your home’s foundation and this is one of the many reasons that you cannot simply “co-exist” with possums. Possums will eat nearly anything include garbage and this can cause a serious mess and problem around your property.
Possum traps are available in many sizes and styles. It is important to place your possum traps where you have seen signs of possum activity including their calling cards and burrows. It is a good idea not to try and trap possums in the summer or spring because you could separate babies from their mothers.
Trapping possums in live traps is a humane way to move them away from your home. You are not harming them because you are trapping them in a live trap. Once you have them in a live trap you can relocate them away from your home and property. Never leave a possum in a live trap for more than 24 hours. They need to have access to water and food and should be kept out of the elements such as direct sun, wind or rain.
Once you have trapped all the possums in your yard, the next thing that you need to do is deter them. The best way to do that is to seal up any areas where a possum could get into your home. The best way to do this is with wire mesh and lumber. You can also add concrete blocks around your foundation if you find any holes or areas where the possums could be getting into your home.
A chicken wire fence will prevent possums from getting into your yard. The fence needs to be at least four feet high. The top of the fence needs to bend outward away from your yard. You can also add an electrical fence along the top of the fence. If these options are not ones you want to use, you can deter possums with liquid or granular repellants that deter them from coming to your yard.
Get a Good Quality Live Trap
It is important to use a good quality live trap for several reasons. First, you do not want the possum to be able to escape from the trap easily. Second, you do not want the trap to harm the possum in any way. If the possum could somehow chew on the cage structure it might fail and harm the possum in some way. You are not out to harm the possum, what you want is to capture it and remove it to a new location. The live trap is the best way to accomplish that.
Most possums are looking for a place to live that is quiet and safe. If the area that they are living in suddenly becomes loud and they feel threatened, they will want to move to a new location that is less threatening. Once you remove possums from your home you need to find out where those possums are getting in and do the work to prevent more possums from getting into your home.
Possums will destroy gardens, may harm pets, will leave smelly calling cards and are generally annoying. You do not want them to live at your home and the best way to ensure that is to make your home uninviting.
Live traps can be used many times for all types of creatures, but if you purchase live traps suitable for possums the cage itself may have wire mesh with holes that are too large to capture rodents or other small pesty animals.
Trapping possums is a reasonable solution to the problem of pesty possums and you need to find reliable traps and then use them to remove the possums quickly and methodically one by one. If you have never dealt with possums and are not sure if you have a possum problem, you will be able to find out when you narrow down the location where your “guests” are residing. You may be able to see animal prints in the area and determine that they are possum. Live traps are affordable and effective. You will be able to trap and remove all the possums that you find around your home using live traps. Live traps are an effective way to get rid of possums. They are also safe and will not harm the possum or anyone who uses the trap.