Getting Preschool Perfect: A Guide to Programs in Australia
- Written by News Company

In Australia, different states and territories have different names for preschool services, and they have different formats. There are consistencies – generally, preschools cater to children who turn four in the year before they start school (some provide programs for three-year-olds), and most states offer preschool as part of the daycare.
Below, we break down preschool services by state. Check out Kids Kinder Austral Child Care Centre for information.
New South Wales
Preschools in New South Wales are for children who turn four before August 1, the year before they start school. Unlike several other states, preschools in NSW are mostly privately-owned and usually charge fees.
Generally, these preschools are stand-alone services delivered by non-state schools, daycare, or early years centers. Some are attached to government primary schools.
Northern Territory
The Northern Territory has slightly different rules from most other territories, as many children live in remote areas. While preschool is normally for children who turn four in the year before they start primary school, age exceptions can be made for these children.
Preschools in the NT are mostly run by the government and have no fees. The flexibility for people who live remotely continues into logistics. Some offer flexible hours, and bus services are also available in some isolated areas.
Australian Capital Territory
In the ACT, early years learning programs are known as preschools or early learning centers. They are mostly owned and operated by the Australian government, and situated either on or very close to schools or childcare centers. ACT preschools are for children who will turn four by May 1 the year before they start school. There are no fees, but parents can pay a voluntary contribution levy.
Queensland differs from other states in that preschools are known as kindergartens. Otherwise, they are mostly similar. They are run by schools or community groups, on or close to school sites, and for children who turn four the year before starting school – in this case, by June 30. Like the Northern Territory, Queensland school services offer some remote and distance services for children living in isolated areas.
Western Australia
As above in Queensland, WA preschools have a cutoff date of June 30 and are mostly known as kindergarten. They also offer a bus service for children in remote areas. As they are mostly government-owned, no fees are charged.
In Victoria, preschool caters to children who turn four before April 30. They are unusual in that they are often managed (not run, more overseen) by parent committees. Like New South Wales, services in Victoria are usually subject to fees, and like in Queensland, they are sometimes known as kindergartens.
South Australia
SA has the most extensive variety of 'preschool' names of any Australian state. You might see programs called early learning centers, centers for early childhood development and parenting, kindergarten, or just plain preschool. They also vary in operations. Some are government-owned and some are privately-owned. Privately owned programs charge fees, but government-run programs are either free or request a voluntary contribution.
Another state where preschool programs are known as kindergartens, Tasmania is unique in that it's Australia's only island territory. Kindergartens in 'Tassie’ are free, and usually either located in a school or linked to one.