The stylish space: 5 benefits of a complete home office

The home office has become ubiquitous since the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean it's complete. TV consoles masquerading as desks, strange sofa situations and outrageously uncomfortable stools are not the makings of a stylish home office, nor are they conducive to comfort or creativity!
If your “home office” is one as thrown together as an op-shop outfit then it’s time to consider the benefits of creating a complete space, one replete with everything you would expect to see in a successful home worker’s abode.
Here are five fantastic benefits of a stylish home office:
It provides peace & quiet
Which we all need when we’re working. Sure, it can be of occasional entertainment to have the kids come crashing around when we’re in the middle of a Zoom meeting, but it’s not what we want all the time, especially when we’re trying to make real power moves from the peace and comfort of a stylish home office complete with a quality chair, office supplies and one of the most elegant desks Sydney has for home workers!
It allows you to create your own space
Many workplaces don’t allow their staff to create the space they really want. And, let’s be honest: a creative space is one that is conducive to higher productivity, and so we should be able to create a space that will help us produce the most outstanding work possible!
So, having your own stunning home office allows you to add everything from artwork to ornaments, flowers to family photos and anything else you want that you don’t have to worry about is going to irritate your colleague who thinks it’s “on their side”.
You can choose the right configurations for your comfort
Workplaces typically design office spaces with cookie cutter designs. You know what we mean: long, interconnected tables, stock standard computer chairs, filing cabinets that force us to bend down to them in outrageous discomfort!
At home, you can create a space that is truly comfortable for you. All you have to do is find the spatial configurations that are perfect for your frame: desk height, a dynamic chair and storage space that sits in a highly reachable place. This all goes a long way to suiting your needs in the home and creating a highly comfortable space that is conducive to greater productivity!
You always have a comfortable space to work in
You never know when you might be asked to work from home one day and then come into the office the next - for many companies this is the module of the post-pandemic workplace. So, if one day you’re required to work from home, you want to be able to do so in a space that is comfortable and allows you to be prepared for the unpredictable nature of your work.
Having a comprehensive home office space is the perfect way to be prepared for such days when you can kick it around the home a bit more than rushing around the office!
You have a comfortable, stylish space that is truly your own
Because at the end of the day we are a lot more productive in a space that suits our comfort and productivity needs. Sure, laying back on the couch whilst compiling an Excel report beats being in the office, but does it allow us to create our best work?
The trick is to find the happy medium, and that happy medium is a comprehensive home office space complete with your needs as a highly valuable, successful team member!