Three important wins for addressing obesity
- Written by Alessandro R Demaio, Global Health Doctor; Co-Founded NCDFREE & festival21; Assoc. Researcher, University of Copenhagen
When it comes to obesity in Australia, the statistics are alarming - and generally getting worse.
The national prevalence of obesity has increased significantly over the past few decades. Roughly three in ten Australian adults are now obese, with a further 36 per cent classified as overweight. Together, that’s almost two in three of us.
Seven in every 100 children are obese (and around one in four, overweight or obese) - an increase from almost zero in 1980.
Overweight and obesity are second only to tobacco, in the largest contributors to Australia’s burden of disease.

Authors: Alessandro R Demaio, Global Health Doctor; Co-Founded NCDFREE & festival21; Assoc. Researcher, University of Copenhagen
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