Bill Shorten a hypocrite who slashes penalty rates
- Written by Senator Cash

Bill Shorten and Labor have again today been exposed as rank hypocrites on penalty rates as further examples of union deals to slash Sunday penalty rates are exposed.
“Mr Shorten and Labor wholeheartedly back penalty rates being slashed when their union masters are doing it,” Minister Cash said.
“Mr Shorten and the union he ran, the Australian Workers Union, made an art form of doing deals which slashed or abolished penalty rates and left workers worse off.”
“All Mr Shorten has done since the independent umpire, which he set up, modified penalty rates to put small business on a level playing field with big unions and big business is to play politics.”
More and more agreements are being exposed where deals have been done by big business and big unions, including the AWU, which slash or abolish penalty rates. Labor remains silent on these deals.
“Under Labor, small businesses will pay higher taxes, higher electricity bills and higher penalty rates. Mr Shorten is the worst enemy small business will ever have,” Minister Cash said.
“It is clear that under Bill Shorten, union bosses will always come first. Only the Coalition will stand up for small businesses and jobs.”