5G is here, but do you actually know what it is, how it’s different and how it will improve your life at home and in the workplace?
Workplaces that embrace 5G will soon be able to utilise augmented and virtual reality, making remote meetings feel as if everyone is in the same room. 5G holographic projection will provide users with a 3D experience, without having to use special 3D glasses.
“If you’re in a sales role, this will be particularly important to make the experience more personal because potential customers will be able to walk through a virtual showroom. It will also allow a sales force to reach new territories more easily and help continue to grow a company’s brand.
“Quite simply, 5G is revolutionary and we’re really looking forward to helping all Australians change the way they live at home and the workplace”, said Liam Bal, CEO, SpinTel.
In the home, 5G will be the catalyst for connecting humans and machines together on an unprecedented scale. The smart home is an environment that a growing number of us live in and besides laptops and smartphones, many people’s homes will soon also contain ‘IoT’ (Internet of Things) gadgets.
IoT refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, all collecting and sharing data with other devices over a wireless network from TV’s, game consoles, smart speakers, lightbulbs, locks, refrigerators and microwaves.
“Connected devices are a great way of streamlining how you function around the home, but it's currently limited due to speed restrictions. 5G will thankfully change all this allowing you to completely utilise your home devices.
“For example, your home fridge collects information on groceries that you have run out of and then shares this data with an app on your phone. The app then notifies you of the items.
“If you work on the land, such as a farmer, you’ll be able to leverage IoT to run remote sensors and computer imaging for monitoring crops”, said Bal.
The main difference is speed and latency.
In theory 4G can achieve 1Gbps download speed. 5G in theory will have download speeds of up to 10Gbps. This means that a 4K movie that is 60 GB in size will take about 8 minutes to download using 4G. With 5G, this will take just 48 seconds.
Latency measures the time it takes for data to get to its destination across a network. Latency is measured in milliseconds. 4G latency is 200ms while 5G is 1ms. Improved speed and increased bandwidth combined with almost no latency will allow users to be able to send and download huge amounts of data in near real time. It will also enhance the gaming experience with everything occurring in real time.
“While 5G will help E-Sports in the Olympic Games become more of a reality, possibly allow a surgeon to operate on a patient remotely and assist with self-driving cars, the real benefit of 5G, right now, is how much it can help small businesses grow and expand and how people’s lives at home can be streamlined and improved using all their IoT gadgets”, concluded Bal.
To discuss how 5G will revolutionise small businesses and improve our lives around the home with Liam Bal, SpinTel CEO, please contact Joe Hughes from N O W! Communications on joe@nowcommunications.com.au or 0455 494 409.