What are 4 Great SEO Tools and Why?

The main reason to use SEO tools is that it saves you a lot of time and mind-numbing keyword research along with the analysis of data. If you use SEO tools you can easily see what works and if there are parts of your web strategy that can be improved for more benefit on your web pages. When you use SEO tools you can discover how your website measures up against your competitors and where you can find niches that you can capitalize upon. SEO tools are also a useful way to help you to measure searches from specific countries.
If you manage several websites, SEO tools are a way to help you to assess the performance of each web site in real time. This can save you the hassle of having to put your data into spreadsheets and try to analyze it in a manual way. The manual analysis of a website can become a lot of work in a short amount of time and the data that you derive from your manual work can be inaccurate. SEO tools can assist you in your work by saving you a lot of time and effort and by providing you reports that are accurate with just a few clicks of your mouse. Here are ___ SEO tools that can help you with your website(s) and assist in analyzing complicated data for you.
Ahrefs: This is one of the top SEO tools used online today. Second only to Google, Ahrefs has an audit feature which features some of the best SEO analysis tools available online today. You can use this tool to show you which areas of your site need to be improved to give you a better search engine rank. You will probably want to use Ahrefs to discovery the backlinks of your competitors and then use those as a jumping off point for your site. This tool is useful to discover the content that is linked the most within your specific niche. You can repair broken links on your site and obtain an overview of which of your pages perform the best. This will allow you to see what on your page is attracting the most visitors.
Google Search Console: This is a free tool that anyone with a website can access. This tool allows you to monitor your website and report the presence of it to Google in the SERPs. You can verify your website by adding a code to it and then going through the process of Google Analytics and submitting a sitemap to be indexed. You do not require an account with Search Console to show up in the search results for Google, but you are able to control what is indexed and how your website is presented. Search Console can help you to have a better understanding of how Google and their users view your site and can help you to optimize your site and get better performance in the SERPs. This can be very useful with new sites so that site owners can submit their web pages to be indexed by Google.
Majestic: this useful marketing SEO tool allows you to view the rank of the top one million websites on the net. Is your website among that one million? You can use the Site Explorer feature to have an overview of your site and to see how many backlinks it has. You can also use it as an SEO keyword tool to pinpoint the keywords that you should be targeting as well as offering features that can compare sites and track the rank of your website. You can add in a specific site and then check its’ backlinks and you can add in a site along with several of its known competitors which allows you to company may different SEO metrics including the referring domain count and the external backlinks count. This provides you with a better understanding of what the weaknesses are of a specific website. You can also view a simple table which you can show to your SEO clients so that they can understand how they measure up against their competition. Majestic can also be used to audit the backlinks of competitors to find several opportunities that can be accessed before using other tactics for building links.
Siteliner: This SEO tool assists you in locating any duplicate content that might be on your website. Duplicate content is content that is also found on other websites and you do not want to be penalized by Google for duplicate content so by using this SEO tool you can review your website in its entirety to locate duplicate content as well as showing any broken links and providing you with important information such as the average size and speed of your pages and how many internal links there are per page. You can also use this useful tool to compare your website to many other websites to see where your site stands. By using this tool on a new website, you can identify and fix any issues and improve the quality and value of the site. More context can be added to certain pages if it is done right, which is one of the reasons that you would utilize this tool. The tool is free but there is also a paid version which offers more options. The Duplicate Content table lays out pages, matched words, URLs and percentages. The pages that show the highest percentages are the ones that should be carefully examined. There are some SEO Chrome extensions including Fat Rank which can analyze the performance of your website and provide you with information on the rank of your keywords. If the keyword you want to rank for is not in the top 100 results, you will be advised that you do not rank for the keyword. This is the type of information that will help you to optimize your website so that you can rank for your specific keyword. Fatrank is a lifesaver when someone needs to know how they rank for a specific keyword and you want the answer to be 100% accurate.
If you are not using and taking advantage of these great SEO tools, coupled with an effective SEO Audit, then you are making your life much harder than it needs to be. Get started today by trying the tools listed here. You will gain so much insight into your work that you will wonder how you ever got along without those tools before.