6G The Pioneers’ Choice

Call it imagination or vision or envisioning— the entire human civilization has reached this super-advanced state only because of this. Humans have always been thinking about what they might be able to do in the future, how high they are capable of rising.
The internet was introduced among public users only during the early ’90s. And during 2020, we are talking about something that people could not possibly imagine— the 6G speed which offers a theoretical peak data rate of 1terabits/sec speed and air latency less than 100 microseconds.
While the world is yet to get used to 5G, the discussion and recommendation of 6G might sound a bit crazy. But that’s what we call envisioning.
Advantages of 6G
6G simply means 6th generation wireless technology.
Researchers are trying to shape out advanced features integrated into 5G technology. Some of the 6G services include:
holographic communications
3D coverage framework
artificial intelligence
new technologies such as sub-THz or VLC (Visible Light Communications)
terrestrial and aerial radio APs to provide cloud functionalities
These, however, all exist in theories and are practically in process. But we can logically predict some of the features that the world will soon see.
The unthinkably high speed and super low latency will pave the way to invent complex technologies and integrate all the aspects of technological system networks that are functioning and will be functioning across the world.
Not only the entire city road and commuter communication systems will function with integration, but they will also be well connected to the local and international business network, administration, educational institutions, health-related organizations, and even the agricultural system. Data and information will be processed from all sides of human civilization to be fed back everywhere instantly so that all the systems function with millions of pieces of information.
Thus, along with the development of autonomous transport services, a person in any corner of the world will have information about his health (using domestic electronic diagnostic tools), education (availing remote classes, courses, and exams), weather (using global weather forecasting apps) and a number of businesses that they own and the ones that are somehow related to their own.
The 6G Stock
Just as Ray Blanco’s Apple-Fi stormed the stock industry and shook so many stock experts, the 6G issue is doing the same. This is because the reason is the same. Both of them are pacing ahead of time.
As Jeff Brown says, forget about 5G, his research on 6G clearly shows how realistic is the shooting up of the 6G market.
Some of the Predicted Features
Collection and Processing of Data
The way we collect and process data and information will entirely be changed. Instead of smartphones, there are going to be virtual and augmented reality glasses. This is equally possible with the present 5G. But the 6G is going to make it more than 100 times faster and smoother and thereby, reduce the risk of processing or data bus failure. With the introduction of virtual and augmented reality, there will be easy tracking devices and a hundred times clearer and scrutinized reports.
This will lead to buying ourselves a bay station, which will control data flow to and from a large number of devices and software that is installed in different parts of the entire techno world. In addition, the connection to and compatibility with the oncoming next-generation technologies is easily ensured through this high end domestic and official set-up.
Artificial Intelligence
There will be a staggering escalation of the implementation and usage of artificial intelligence. From the GPS to suggestions with every decision we make, there will be AI with our aid and rescue. They will reduce errors and improve the quality of our intellectual and material production.
Challenges that 6G is Going to Bring Us
Only introducing the 6G will not mean entering a new era. There are so many sectors where this high speed will pose a challenge. Introducing technology with no proper implementation means total failure. Areas that 6G will bring new challenges include:
intensified focus on Local and global Communications and Networking
support of a large number and quantity of Micro-operators tying together and maintaining their network
well-predicted need for Device-to-Device Signaling, Relay, and Mesh Networks
6G in Real World
China has reportedly started researching and developing its 6G mobile network. The report published in early November 2019 confirms that China, always on the technological sprint to get ahead of time, has literally started their official research work on implementing the super-high-speed network.
Though this country has just started using 5G, and most of the people of China and around the world are using 4G, the advanced research and development work is really appreciable.
There will be two teams simultaneously working in collaboration, as the report says. One group will take care of diplomatic support and be responsible for financing. The other team, consisting of 37 universities, research institutes, and enterprises, will mainly carry out the research work and keep a connection with the first team.
Final Words
Human civilization seems to have been characterized by a never satisfying development process. No matter how great their achievement is or how huge the cost is, they are always on the pursuit of newer and higher achievements. 6G is going to be their latest creation that is supposed to cause a dramatic change in the entire lifestyle of both the urban and rural areas. The most substantial of them all is that life is going to be faster, easier, and more comfortable than ever.
We are ready to forget 5G, not for a moment but for good.