Exciting Events for July 2015 in Fremont County, Wyoming.
- Written by Pitch Engine

Wind River Country, Wyoming - Exciting July events include Native American Powwows, Rodeos, July 4th Parades, the International Climbers Festival, the 1838 Mountain Man Rendezvous, Hot Air Balloon Rendezvous, National Day of the Cowboy and much more!
Daily: Riverton Northern Arapaho Cultural Insights: A cultural treasure of Arapaho artifacts, language lessons and story telling. Call for a schedule of elders. Wind River Casino, 10269 Highway 789. 840-5805 windriverhotelcasino.com
July 7, 14, 21, 28 Riverton Northern Arapaho Native American Song and Dance, 6-7pm every Tuesday. Wind River Hotel & Casino, 10269 Hwy 789. 840-5805, 855-2600, windriverhotelcasino.com
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Lander Eagle Spirit Dancers traditional Native American Indian Dancing, Museum of the American West. Wednesdays 7-8pm. Free. 1445 West Main. 335-8778, museumoftheamericanwest.com
July 3,10, 17, 24, 31 Dubois Friday Night Rodeos. 7:30-10pm, 5649 Hwy. 287/26. Adults $10, kids $5, under age 5 Free. 480-8992, facebook.com/wyomingwindrodeo,
July 7, 14, 21, 28 Dubois Learn Square Dancing, Rustic Pine Tavern. Adults $3, Children 12 & under $2. Tuesdays 8-9:30pm, 119 E. Ramshorn. 455-2556
July 1-4 Lander Art Center: "Wyoming Art Party Show." Free. Tues -Thurs. 10-6pm, Fri.-Sat. 10-4pm. 224 Main St. 332-5772, landerartcenter.com
July 1-5 Riverton 1838 Mountain Man Rendezvous. Smith Rd. and E. Monroe Ave. 856-7306,1838rendezvous.com
July 2 Lander Stars and Stripes Family Square Dance. Free. 6:30pm. 950 Buena Vista Dr. 332-3892
July 3 Dubois National Bighorn Sheep Center’s 22nd Birthday Party, noon. 455-3429, 907 W. Ramshorn, info@bighorn.org, bighorn.org
July 3 Lander 121st Pioneer Days Rodeo, 1663 Rodeo Dr. 6:30pm. Tickets at Chamber & gate. 800-433-0662, 332-3892, landerchamber.org
July 4 Lander Half Marathon, 5k, or kid's mile! 200 block of Main St. 349-5443, landercommunityfoundation.org,
July 4 Dubois 4th of July celebrations all day long. Western parade at 2pm, free. 455-2556
July 4 Lander 121st Pioneer Days! Half Marathon/5k walk/run and 1 mile kids run, Sr. Center Pancake Breakfast, 7-9 am, 205 S. 10th St.; Pioneer Days Parade, 10 am Lander's Main St.; Rotary Buffalo BBQ, 11am-1 pm Lander City Park; Rodeo 6:30pm, 1663 Rodeo Dr.; & fireworks 10pm at rodeo grounds. Costs vary. 800-433-0662, 332-3892, landerchamber.com
July 4 Lander Bad Boys of Bullriding Rodeo, Triple XXX Rodeo Arena. 6pm, 411 Willow Creek Road. 330-8639, howlrodeobulls.com
July 6 Riverton Hot Notes Cool Nights – Army band concert. 7-9pm. Riverton City Park, N. Federal Blvd. and Hwy. 26. 855-2190, cwc.edu
July 8-12 Lander 22nd Annual Intl. Climbers' Festival. $60 adults, $35 kids. City Park 405 Fremont St. & multiple locations. 349-1561, climbersfestival.org
July 9 Dubois Museum Speakers Series: Life in the Dunoir Valley, by Mark Thompson. 7pm. 909 W. Ramshorn, 307-455-2284, fremontcountywy.org/2015/05/wyomingcommunity-bank-discovery-speakers-series/
July 10-31 Lander Art Center "Give and Take” show. Reception 6-8pm. Tues.-Thurs.10-6pm, Fri.–Sat. 10-4pm. 224 Main St. 332-5772. landerartcenter.com
July 10-11 Riverton Wrangler Classic Horse Show, Riverton Fair Grounds, 1010 Fairgrounds Dr. Free. pat@wranglertrc.com
July 10-11-12 Riverton regional Radio Controlled Fly-in air show, WY Modeler’s park, 2675 N. Federal Blvd/Hwy 789. Free. 463-2676, eddieamend@gmail.com
July 10-11-12 Ethete Celebration Indian Powwow. Ethete Rd. & US Hwy.132. 438-3343, 258-6165, windriver.org
July 11 Lander Youth Rodeo Assn. 1663 Rodeo Dr. 349-6400, howlrodeobulls.com
July 11 Atlantic City "2nd Saturday Scotch Sipping, 6-9pm, $25. 332-0248, minersdelightinn.com
July 11 Dubois Museum Trek: Geology of the Wind River Range. 9am. 909 W Ramshorn. 455-2284. fremontcountywy.org/2015/02/wind-rivervisitors-council-adventure-trek-series-hosted-byfremont-county-museums/4
July 11 Lander Pioneer Museum Trek: Sinks Canyon Petroglyphs, 10am. 1443 Main St., 332-3339, fremontcountywy.org/2015/02/wind-rivervisitors-council-adventure-trek-serieshosted-by-fremont-county-museums/
July 11 Riverton Rendezvous Day in the Park: crafts, western food, and dancing. Free. City Park N. Federal Hwy. & Main St. 851-2844, rivertonchamber.org
July 11-12 South Pass City State Historic Site turn of the century Gold Rush Days, 125 Main St. 332-3684, southpasscity.com
July 12 Riverton Fremont Co. Racing Assn’s MotoCross Race, 7:30am856-4439, facebook.com/pages/High-Plains-Motocross-Association
July 13 Lander Hot Notes Cool Nights Jalan Crossland concert. 7-9pm. Free. Lander City Park, 405 Fremont St. 855-2190, cwc.edu, landerchamber.com
July 16 Lander Museum of the American West: Mike Hurwitz & the Aimless Drifters concert, 7pm, 332-3892, 1445 W. Main St. museumoftheamericanwest.com/events
July 16 Riverton Museum Trek: St. Michael’s Mission. 1:30pm. Meet at 700 East Park Ave. 856-2665, fremontcountywy.org/2015/02/wind-rivervisitors-council-adventure-trek-serieshosted-by-fremont-county-museums/
July 17-18-19 Riverton Rendezvous Balloon Rally, parade, shows, fireworks & more. 2660 Peck Ave. Free. 800-325-2732. 851-6049, rivertonrendezvous.com
July 18 Pavillion Cowboy State Stock Horse Association Working Cow Horse Summer Series Show. 424 S.Main St. 9am. 851-1126
July 18 Lander Unplugged LIVE Acoustic, 7-9pm, free. Middle Fork, 351 Main St, 332-3394, 335-5035, facebook.com/MiddleForkCafe
July 18 Dubois Museum Day, 11-2pm, 909 West Ramshorn. 455-2284, duboismuseum.org
July 18 Lander 3rd “Run Like A Bighorn” Sinks Canyon Ultimate Trail, Sinks Canyon St. Park. Race begins 7am (6am registration), $20 -$10 kids, 332-6333, sinkscanyonstatepark.org
July 18 Riverton Museum Speakers Series: Robert Martinez: Many Paths. 3:30pm, 700 E. Park Ave, 856-2665, fremontcountywy.org/2015/05/wyomingcommunity-bank-discovery-speakers-series/
July 18 Lander Pioneer Museum Speakers Series: Archaeology Day, 1-4pm, 1443 Main St., 332-3339, randywisepioneermuseum@gmail.com
July 18 Riverton 4th Festival of the Mountain Man, Wind River Heritage Center. Free. 11am-3pm, 1075 S. Federal Blvd. 856-0706, rivertonchamber.org
July 18-27 Dubois WRVAG 66th National Art Show, Headwaters Center, 20 Stalnaker St. 9am-6pm. 455-3404, headwaterscenter.org
July 20 Riverton Hot Notes Cool Nights Miss V & the Gypsy Cowbell concert, 7-9pm, free, Riverton City Park, N. Federal Blvd. & Hwy. 26. 855-2190, cwc.edu
July 21 Lander LIVE free concert: LUCERO. Main St. & N. 1st St. 5:30 pm. 332-3892, landerchamber.org
July 23 Lander Speakers Series: Tim McCoy, by Richard Maturi. 7pm, 1443 Main St., 332-3339, fremontcountywy.org/2015/05/wyomingcommunity-bank-discovery-speakers-series/
July 23 Riverton Museum presents: Kids Series – Learn How to Rodeo, 2-3:30pm. 700 East Park Ave, 856-2665, fremontcountywy.org/2015/03/mcdonaldschildrens-exploration-series/
July 23 Dubois Museum Speakers Series: Archaeology in the Dubois Area, by Rich Adams. 7pm. 909 W. Ramshorn, 455-2284, fremontcountywy.org/2015/05/wyomingcommunity-bank-discovery-speakers-series/
July 24 Riverton Car & Bike Show, Wind River Casino, 10269 Hwy. 789. 851-5394 windriverhotelcasino.com
July 25 Dubois National Day of the Cowboy town activities. Ranch rodeo at 5649 Hwy. 287/26 at 5pm. Rodeo $8 -free. 262-6094, 455-2556, duboiswyomingchamber.org
July 25 Riverton Ride the Winds Motorcycle Poker Run. Registration 10am-2pm, Wind River Hotel & Casino, 10269 Hwy 789. 840-5805, 855-2600, windriverhotelcasino.com
July 25 Riverton Open Mic Night, Mammoth Music. Free. 7-8:30pm. 318 East Main St. 307-856-0258
July 25 Lander Pioneer Museum: Lander Cemetery Trek. 1443 Main St. 10am–12pm. 332-3339, fremontcountywy.org/2015/02/windriver-visitors-council-adventure-trek-serieshosted-by-fremont-county museums/
July 25 Dubois Museum Trek: Torrey Basin Petroglyphs 9am. 909 W. Ramshorn. 455-2284. fremontcountywy.org/2015/02/windriver-visitors-council-adventure-trek-serieshosted-by-fremont-county-museums/
July 25-Aug. 1 Riverton 102nd Fremont County Fair & Rodeos. 1010 Fairgrounds Rd, 856-6611, fremontcountyfair.org
July 27 Lander Hot Notes Cool Nights: Speakeasy concert. 7-9pm, City Park, 405 Fremont St. 855-2190, cwc.edu
July 31 Riverton's Museum Trek: Miners Delight trek tour at Atlantic City. 8:30am. Meet at 700 East Park Ave, Riverton. 856-2665, fremontcountywy.org/2015/02/wind-rivervisitors-council-adventure-trek-series-hostedby-fremont-county-museums/
July 31 South Pass City Flora & Fauna walk. Free. 12:30pm, 125 South Pass Main St. 332-3684, southpasscity.com/naturewalks.html
ALL LISTINGS USE AREA CODE 307. Please confirm all details in advance.
Related Links: Lander Chamber of Commerce, Riverton Chamber of Commerce, Dubois Chamber of Commerce, Destination Dubois
For a complete calendar of events go to www.windriver.org/calendar, or to request a vacation packet, please visit us at Wind River Country or call 800-645-6233.
Press Release produced by the Wind River Visitors Council - Your Fremont County Lodging Tax Dollars at Work!Keep in touch with Wind River Country
Authors: Pitch Engine
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