Metal Roofing Maintenance: Tips for Keeping Your Roof in Top Condition

Metal roofs are commonly recognized for their extended durability, long life, above-average performance, and their undercover ability to take on elements better than other roof types. However, as with any roof, a metal roof will still require regular maintenance to keep it in prime condition. Regardless of whether you experience harsh sun, prolonged torrential rain, or heavy snow, the time you put into periodically maintaining your metal roof can save you money while prolonging your roof life and performance. Below is a simple guide to assist you in maintaining your metal roof.
1. Regular Inspection is Important
The first step to maintaining your metal roof is the inspection. Do not get me wrong, you do not need to go up on your roof every week, but conducting a good inspection once or twice a year, preferably after a damaging event, will help prevent small issues from becoming bigger issues. Inspect for:
- Loose or Missing Screws: Any loose or missing screws should be noted as this could leave your roof liable to leaks as well as allow the panels to flap up in the wind.
- Rust Spots: Generally metal roofs can be coated to withstand rust damage; however, if the coating is not intact, rust spots may form and create damage.
- Dents and/or Scratches: Dents and scratches could result from hail, falling tree branches, and/or sometimes from the installation process.
- Damaged seals or flashings: These parts typically seal the joints and edges of roofs and could also need to be investigated for damage.
2. Clean Roofs Periodically
Over time, dirt, leaves, and debris will build up and combine with natural substances to stick to the roof. While most people do not notice this as an issue, if this moisture is directly pressed into your metal roofing solution for long periods, rust and/or other materials build up and potentially create other roof issues. Cleaning your roof periodically should mitigate this eventuality.
- Use a soft broom or brush: In order to clean it but also to do so in a non abrasive manner that will not harm the surface of the material.
- Wash with mild soap and water: So if you are thinking that your roof has become dirty this will only require a mixture of water and mild soap to wash it. Do not use strong chemicals to clean the surface since it might remove the coating on the metal.
- Rinse thoroughly: When washing the roof, one should ensure that they rinse the roof well with clean water so as to eliminate the soap residues.
3. Keep Gutters Clear
Here, you will learn all about the conditions of your gutters, which are essential to your roof. This is because when they are full of leaves or any other material, water is locked on the roof therefore causing rusting and leakage. It is recommended that one should take the effort to clean his gutters at least twice per year, and this exercise should be more frequent in the event that you live in an area that is full of trees.
- Remove debris by hand: Using gloves, physically remove leaves and other matter as usually the contents of the compartments resemble an environment with a great number of natural deposits.
- Flush with water: Rinse with water using a hose pipe to remove any remaining dirt or any small particles that cannot be wiped off.
- Check for proper drainage: Some of the things that homeowners should do after cleaning include checking whether water is flowing freely through the downspouts.
4. Trim Overhanging Branches
If there are trees in your vicinity or near your roof they always prove to be a nuisance in various ways. Branches which extend over your roof scratch the top thus causing some forms of abrasion or form some sort of impacts on the roof and at the same times shed leaves and twigs which block gutters. During the winter period, accumulation of ice and snow on branches puts a lot of pressure on branches making them to droop and fall on the roof.
- Trim branches regularly: Do not place them within a six feet radius of your actual roof.
- Remove dead or dying trees: They are more likely to fall during storms; The well construction requires that those intending to establish the well should have a plan for how they will continue drilling in case the storm rolls by.
5. Watch Out for Rust
Of course, metal roofs do not rust, but even if they are coated to avoid it, a layer of paint might chip away, and rust will occur. Rust is a disease to a metal roof – if it is allowed to persist in the roof it starts to spread and compromise the integrity of the roof.
- Spot treat rust: Small rust spots occur and one should wire brush the area and apply rust resistant primer and paint to protect the surface.
- Consider professional treatment: If the area of rust is larger, then it is wiser to seek services of a professional to come and inspect the area and advices on the most appropriate action to take.
6. Repair Damage Promptly
One may think that a small problem, say a screw loose, a a simple indent, or maybe even a small rust formation is nothing worrying, however, it is a sign that goes a long way to something much more severe. Water can easily find its way through even the tiniest crack on your roof hence causing seepages which may cause more harm than you can imagine on the roof and on structures below.
- Fix loose screws: Adjust, if loose or remove if they are stripped.
- Patch small holes: Metal roof patching kit may be applied to patch any hole or crack that may appear on the roof.
- Replace damaged flashing: In the case of gaps along the edges of your roof, damage to these seals will open up avenues whereby water will penetrate your building.
7. Your Hourly Weather Forecast: Be Careful with Snow and Ice
This will depend on the region whereby an individual resides and more so during the winter seasons, roof inspections will be necessary. Metal roofs are excellent in that they do not accumulate snow but the accumulation in large amounts results in issues.
- Use a roof rake: You need to utilize the roof rake in the process of clearing of the snow after a snowstorm especially at the margins of the roof.
- Watch for ice dams: These form when there is melting of snow which reforms at the edges of the roof and prevents water drainage and accumulation under the roof.
8. Apply a Protective Coating
It is true that through aging the metal roof has a layer that provides protection, and this layer could erode especially where the roof is exposed to severe weather. Periodic reapplication of a new layer of some protecting coat could be used in every few years to help extend the roofs lifespan.
Choose the right product: When sealing the gaps ensure that you make use of a sealant that is intended for use on metal roofs.
- Apply evenly: The optimized irradiation time should therefore be determined from the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Consider a professional application: By so doing, if you do not wish to do it yourself, it is advisable to get somebody qualified to do it properly.
9. Schedule Professional Inspections
Of course, there is much that the homeowner is capable of doing independently, it is, however, also recommended to perform a roof inspection with the help of professionals, at least, once in 3 years. An expert may have the ability to identify possible issues you cannot and may advise you as to how to handle them.
- Set up regular inspections: Ideally, seek a professional inspection of your roof at least once within 3-5 years of the previous inspection if your roofing system is relatively old.
- Get a detailed report: A good inspector in the course of inspection should ensure they take time and document the problems observed in details and recommend the most appropriate method of solving them.
10. Keep Records
As a last point it is wise to take photographs of the job done on your roof in case of an inspection, any minor or major work done. This can be done in order to record the condition of a roof over a period of time and can also come in handy in case of filing a claim.
- Document repairs and inspections: However, it is important that you retain receipt, warranties as well as the inspection reports.
- Create a maintenance log: Document every work that is done on the roof paired with the date it was done.