Want to Avoid a Spider Infestation? Here are the Top 5 Causes
- Written by NewsServices.com
Spiders. They’re so different from anything else. Whether it’s the beady eyes, the hairy legs or the way they move, they’re like something out of a horror movie. It’s no wonder most people don’t choose to spend time around them!
However, sometimes, spiders make the choice for you. Here’s how you can make your home less spider friendly.
Causes of Spider Infestations
Spider infestations. Two words that can send shivers down most people’s spine. However, they’re not just the stuff of horror movies, and they do happen quite often. Here’s how you can make your home less attractive to spiders.
Eliminate Food Sources
Spiders need to eat, just like any other animal. They tend to eat insects and other small animals. So, if you keep those creatures out of your home, there’s nothing for spiders to eat and they’ll move on.
Take care of any insect problems as quickly as possible and be proactive about installing screens and other measures to keep them gone.
Don’t Be an Extreme Weather Shelter
When you’re caught in a storm, you probably run for the closest shelter. Spiders are no different. Avoid having spiders move in because of extreme weather by ensuring that windows and doors seal tight, and that you have screens in place where necessary.
Clear Out Cluttered & Unused Rooms
Whether it’s a spare room you never use or a storage room that’s full of boxes, if it’s quiet and doesn’t see a lot of use, it’s perfect for spiders.
Find a new use for unused rooms, so there’s always activity. Get rid of old stuff that you never use that’s taking up space in storage rooms and sheds. Make your home less spider friendly, and they’re less likely to want to stay!
Remove Plants and Compost Around the Home
That shrub that you love, but that’s got too big and out of control, or that compost heap that’s close to the back door because it’s convenient might be creating a highway right into your home for spiders.
Trim or remove trees, shrubs, and plants around your home, and get rid of compost heaps, recycling bins and other convenient hiding places near your home.
Hitching a Ride
The final way that spiders might find their way into your home is by hitching a ride on something you bring in. Take extra precautions when you’re bringing things that have lots of nooks and crannies into your home, and don’t forget to check fruits and vegetables, because sometimes, spiders will hitch a ride on those too!
How to Get Rid of a Spider Infestation
Unfortunately, while these are great tips, if you’ve already got a spider infestation, you’re going to need to hire a qualified pest control company to solve the problem. Look for a local company that specializes in spiders and take back your home!
Spiders usually don’t choose to live around humans. Your home is just a convenient place for them to be. So, once they’re gone, use these tips to make your home a less attractive place for local spiders to set up home.