How Do I Know If My Drains Are Blocked?
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Have you been visited yet? There is a dreaded phantom that every homeowner fears.
Experts at a blocked drain Sydney company mentioned that you never know when it will strike or how hard, but there is one thing you do know. It will strike at some point. Many lucky homeowners evade the visit for many years, but then, when they least expect it, they discover a blocked drain in their home!
Are you wondering if you’ve been visited by the blocked drain phantom? Read on to find out the 4 most common signs of a blocked drain.
1. Slow to Drain
A slowly draining drain isn’t always obvious at first. You might not even notice at all unless you’re spending extra time at the sink and using more water than normal.
But then, as you’re washing dishes one day or draining the bathroom sink after handwashing a delicate item of clothing, you notice the water seems to take longer than normal to drain away.
You might ignore the problem for a bit, hoping it was your imagination or that it will clear up on its own. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen and the next sign may appear soon after.
2. Overflow
That partially blocked drain that caused the slow draining will often get worse. The constriction created in the pipe will catch more debris on its way by and slowly get bigger. Eventually, the clot of debris can be large and enough and strong enough to block the flow of water completely.
At this point, your sink might not drain at all or have to be left alone for an hour or two for the water to slowly drip away.
3. Stinky Drains
Much of what causes drain blockages is organic matter. In the kitchen, it might be scraps of food and bits of grease. In the bathroom, it can be skin cells and hair all wrapped up in a soap scum package.
Regardless, this junk hanging out in your drains will start to fester and rot, leading to a very unpleasant smell. It might not be too strong at first, but it will get worse if left unattended.
If you’re not sure that the smell is coming from a blocked drain, calling a plumber can help you know if your drains are blocked.
4. Bubbling Sounds
Finally, when you are running water down the sink, the only thing you should hear is the sound of the water splashing out from the faucet. When you turn off the water, you should hear nothing.
If you hear some bubbling or gurgling sounds down in the drain, this is a common sign of a blocked drain. Instead of flowing freely, the water is being constricted and getting backed up in the drain. Air bubbles are bursting through the waiting water as it slowly drips past the constriction.
The Good News
How can there be any good news about having a blocked drain? Well, in many cases, they are fairly easy to clear — even without professional help. Good luck!