- Written by NewsCo

Renting a storage unit is an economical way to free up space in your house by temporarily packing some valuables or furniture away that you don't need at the moment. It also comes in handy if you're thinking of relocating.
However, taking some time to plan out the packing procedure will go a long way to save you time and money in the future. Below are some tips on how to organise your items and utilise the space you have rented in the best way.
What You Need
Gathering everything that you need beforehand will save you a lot of time and hassle while you are packing. You should make sure that you have good quality cardboard boxes, tape, bubble wrap, protective coverings, dust sheets, marker pens and a padlock available and close to you before you start with the packing.
Use Same Size Boxes
If you want to avoid any toppling accidents, go for uniform sized boxes. This will ensure that stacking them is not troublesome and no extra space is left in the unit.
Organise Your Items into Categories
Organising your items according to their location in your house or office and how similar they are makes it easier to remember where everything is. Whenever you have to change houses, in the near future or much later, the process won't be so time consuming if your things are already packed in an organised manner.
Don't Forget To Label Your Boxes!!
When it comes to packing in the exact same boxes, there's no way to remember where every single item of yours is. Labelling must be done on all sides of a box so it is visible in every direction. The label should consist of a list of items that box contains, which room accommodates those items, and how accessible you want the box to be when everything is being loaded into the storage unit. This small effort will surely be of aid to you in the future when you need to find a particular item.
Consider the Object’s Weight While Packing
Packing everything according to weight reduces the chances of damage and helps keep the fragile objects safe. The heavier items should always go at the bottom of the box, while the lighter ones should be on top. The same rule should be followed when loading the boxes into the unit as it allows better stability.
Making Accessibility Easier
Items that you often need access to should always be in the front so you don't have to disturb the other boxes just to get to a specific one. Find out about storage space in Singapore.
If you wish to leave space for easy movement throughout the unit, it is better to stack the boxes in such a way that aisles are left in between for you to walk through.
Dust Sheets and Padlocks
Using a dust sheet to cover up your furniture or items that aren't in boxes is a great way to keep them clean. A dust sheet can also be spread out on the ground before you start packing to prevent the procedure from being messy.
Lastly, don't forget to secure your storage unit with a pad lock once everything is loaded!
At the end of the day, while it may seem like a good idea to go down the easy route and just throw everything together without giving it a thought, the disorganisation of it all will surely serve as a nuisance in the future when you want to open the storage unit back up. We would advise you to follow these simple key points and hopefully have a better, more organised experience with self-storage.