The Bedding Burden - How to Comfortably Move a Mattress (Without Losing Sleep)
- Written by News Company
When you are lucky enough to have found and invested in the perfect mattress, you really won’t want to be without it. However, when it comes to moving house it can be a pain in the back to transport it. Whether you simply wish to move your mattress from one room to another or further afield, moving it properly is important to both you and your mattress.
If you aren’t lucky enough to have professional removalists, we have some helpful tips and tricks to moving a mattress successfully, whilst protecting both you and your prized possession.
Ask for a helping hand
Although we all like to believe we’re invincible - when it comes to moving a mattress, it’s a great deal easier when you have a second pair of hands. Learn more about mattresses at cocoon mattress review. It may seem like an easy task when you’re moving it across the hallway but when you have to navigate a staircase it quite quickly becomes apparent that help is needed and appreciated. Furthermore, it will prevents you dragging the mattress and damaging it unnecessarily.
Protect your mattress
Moving your mattress will likely require it to be propped against walls or surfaces, ones which you may not be able to anticipate the cleanliness of. Therefore, to prevent your mattress from being unduly damaged or stained, we recommend placing it in a think durable mattress bag before moving it. These bags are also tear resistant so they can be packed up and used multiple times.
Lifting your mattress safely.
It is crucial to remember to follow the correct procedure when moving or lifting heavy objects as you’ll want to prevent injury, and placing strain on your body from awkward positioning and heavy loads. Lifting your mattress slowly is a good start, as well as bending from your knees rather than your back. Try not to bend and twist when you are lifting as this is a difficult position for your body to bear weight from. Another handy tip which is rarely mentioned is to breathe out when you lift, rather than holding your breath.
Securing your mattress
Securing your mattress refers to a number of requirements. Firstly, once the mattress has been placed into your mattress bag, you should make sure it is secure. The last thing you’ll want is it slipping out when you are trying to maneuver it over your staircase banister.
Depending on the type of mattress bag purchased, there may be different ways to secure it. However, a good fail safe it to secure it with tape, making sure that the end is taped tightly shut around the mattress. To prevent any unnecessary movement when moving the mattress, another good technique is to wrap tape around the body of the mattress to stop it from sliding.
Depending on the vehicle you have available to move your mattress the way you will need to secure it will vary. Rope, straps and ratchets are all good options. Each of the options available will depend on your fastening skills, and whether you can safely secure and restrain your load preventing your mattress falling from your vehicle.
Repeat in reverse
It’s easy to think the removal requires the thinking and planning, however it is just as important to repeat all the above actions in reverse when you are placing your mattress in its new location. So many people get carried away when they see the majority of their possessions sitting in the ground floor of their new home. With that said, remember to be considered in your approach to moving the big ticket items like your mattress. Lift correctly, with a helping hand and only remove the protective wrapping when it is in the perfect position.