We have a Siri-ous problem here
- Written by Will Roberts

USA 23 May 2015. So the other day I'm having a conversation with Siri, you know, my iPhone. So I'm asking her questions and I repeat it over and over and over again, but shes not understanding me, or is she. Then I determined that I think Siri doesn't really like people. Now, I don't really blame her, I mean after all if you barked orders and questions at me all the time at me all the time, I probably wouldn't like you either.
But if you spend enough time with Siri and its a proven fact; that people spend more time with their phones then their loved ones, I think you'll find out a couple of things. First off, I think she is politically; right wing, that's not bad, but, I asked a question about a liberal and for the life of me, she wouldn't display the word "liberal". She put in limbo, libel, liberty, anything but Liberal.
This is all really weird because Siri is a free service that helps people. And she auto corrects your words, suggested by who I WONDER… Maybe Siri is an NSA socialist thing that was built to control, the words we put out.
I know it's only a minute away when they start selling advertising with Siri. Then when you speak the words "take me home" it'll come up with Home Depot, and you won't have any control over it.

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