In The Candy House, Jennifer Egan delivers an inventive novel for a digital age
- Written by Anthony Macris, Associate Professor of Creative Writing, University of Technology Sydney

In her typically inventive fashion, Jennifer Egan calls The Candy House, the follow-up to her Pulitzer Prize winner A Visit from the Goon Squad (2011), a “sibling novel”.
Is this new book smarter, better-looking, more charismatic than its older sister or brother? I don’t think it is a question worth posing: it’s easy to love these two fascinating children just the same.
Review: The Candy House – Jennifer Egan (Corsair)
According to Egan, The Candy House
follows a number of [A Visit from the Goon Squad’s] peripheral characters into their own futures and pasts to create an independent work with a new set of preoccupations and center of gravity, but equal affinity for technology, humor, and structural freedom.