The Conversation needs your help
- Written by Misha Ketchell, Editor & Executive Director, The Conversation

Today we launch our annual donations campaign, inviting those who value our work to give. This year things are a little different. In recent weeks, several media outlets have been forced to make cuts or close. Like many others, we are staring down the barrel of a funding shortfall.
The Conversation will get through this, but only with your help.
Our mission is to provide free access to trusted information. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this has never been more important. In the past month our audience has doubled and our articles were read 26 million times. This demand will continue over the coming months as we increasingly turn to academics – epidemiologists, immunologists, scientists, health workers, economists – for solutions on how to recover and rebuild.
Every day our editors work with researchers to tackle the big issues vital to our future. We work with climate scientists, cultural critics, educators, historians, political scientists, technologists, and anthropologists to name just a few. Right now we are developing a major editorial series with experts leading the effort to rebuild biodiversity in the wake of Australia’s catastrophic bushfires. All these leading academics share their knowledge selflessly to improve society and protect our way of life.
If you’ve ever thought about donating, please make it this year. With your support, all our work can remain free to read, share and republish. In this way we ensure we don’t end up in a world of information haves and have-nots.
Authors: Misha Ketchell, Editor & Executive Director, The Conversation
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