Creating Family Legacies To Share Across The Generations
- Written by Logan Peranavan
One of the challenges created by the digital age and our obsession with the now is that families run the risk of losing touch with the preceding generation. These generations are often divided not just by their experiences, but by the technology used to capture those memories.
As it turns out, everybody has a legacy to share. Mostly, it's not about life experiences rather than how much money you made or how well known you were. That’s a generational divide right there. It's about you telling the story about what made you the person you are. Happily for many members of Australia’s previous generations, now thanks to VHS to Digital Sydney, they are able to share those stories as never before.
Generational Shift
As more and more people of all ages move online in unprecedented numbers, much of our family content is in danger of being lost forever. Ironically, it is this very inter-generational content that resonates across the span of generations.
Each generation had access to their unique experiences, expectations and even values. Today, that content reflects a newly rediscovered interest in sharing family memories and experiences. The more disconnected we become and the more we seek authenticity, the more powerful the attraction of family memories becomes.
Currently, we’re in the midst of a massive generational shift. Millennials are expected to surpass the post-World War II Baby Boomer generation as the biggest living generation. As this shift continues to gather momentum in Australia, Millennials are looking back to their Baby Boomer generation grandparents to understand some of the key distinctions and similarities between their generations.
Shared Interests In Authentic Content
The shared interests of Millennials and Baby Boomers represent a powerful way to connect these disparate generations through the magic of VHS to DVD transfer.
Baby Boomers have always had voracious appetites for content. From shooting their own home videos to making audiotape diaries Baby Boomers have populated cupboards, garages and storage units across the country with countless VHS and audiotapes collections.
In an era where what we had with our coffee over breakfast can be found on every Instagram and Facebook account, real stories of real lives, lived in real families represent the most authentic of experiences.
As personal cloud storage booms, our digital footprint is being expanded to embrace those memories and experiences that predate the digital revolution. VHS to DVD and VHS to Digital are opening new doors to inter-generation understanding. At a time where Millennials bemoan lost social connections, their parents and grandparents mouldering old VHS and audiotapes offer a fresh perspective on where they come from and how they got here, as they attempt to map their way forward to their future.
Helping Seniors Connect With The New Generation
It’s a simple process. You send your VHS tape or tape recording to a professional transfer service. They clean up your tape, repair it where necessary and transfer t across to a digital format. What could be easier?
All those old tape recordings and VHS tapes serving time out in dusty boxes in your garage can now be shared with the family and preserved thanks to digital transfer technology.
Your grandfather and grandmother’s precious memories can now be passed down through the family now and for future generations.
Imagine listening to a recorded interview where your mother is talking about how she met your father. Or how your grandfather proposed to your grandmother and how excited he was when she said, “Yes.”
Virtually any memory you have on VHS or audiotape you can have transferred to a DVD or digital file for storage. Your family can then enjoy them at their own pace, in their own time and on the medium of their choice.
Imagine your children being able to listen to your grandmother's voice describing something she wanted them to know about their origins. For baby boomers, Gen X and Millennials alike, this resonates for so many of us. Many of us can't hear our grandparents and even parents anymore, as they may no longer be around.
A lot of people would probably give anything to connect with their family legacy even if it's only through digital technology.
Final Observation
In the end, it’s all about sharing family history across the generations. It’s about creating a bridging that spans time, place and technology. Thanks to VHS to DVD Sydney everyone now enjoys the same opportunity to leave behind a legacy.