Senator Abetz - Don't inflict Rudd on UN
- Written by Senator Abetz

According to his former colleagues, Mr Rudd is a narcissist, a micro-manager, an impulsive control freak and a psychopath – just to name a few.
While these qualities may have been required for a come-back to the Labor Leadership, these are not qualities listed on the job-ad for UN Chief.
Any cursory glance at Mr Rudd’s temperament and capacity would show that Mr Rudd is poorly qualified for this role and if Australia were to seek to inflict Kevin Rudd onto the United Nations, it would be a mistake.
If Mr Rudd lacked the capacity and temperament to be Labor Leader, by his own colleagues’ assessment, he lacks the qualities to head the UN.
I am hopeful that the Cabinet will, after due consideration, not support Mr Rudd’s nomination.