Eczema in infants: everything you need to know

Eczema is a common cause of skin rashes in babies. It will not do any harm, but now to the appearance and irritation. In newborns, eczema often appears on the face, hands and feet. If the cause of the appearance or exacerbation of the most common type of eczema - atopic dermatitis - can be a convenient reaction. Mostly, eczema manifests itself in children, which is different from asthma or allergies. Often, eczema is hereditary. Treatment consists in avoiding the causative agent, using lotions and creams to moisturize the skin, and, if necessary, taking special prescription drugs.
What are the SYMPTOMS of eczema in children?
- Rash on the skin
- Hardening of the skin
- Peeling of the skin
- Peeling of the skin on the eyelids
- Peeling, cracking or dryness of the skin
- Darkening of the skin
- Thickening of the skin
- Blisters on the skin
- Skin dryness
What causes eczema in children?
The cause of eczema in a newborn can be a complicated course of pregnancy, formula feeding, the presence of enzyme diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, improper care of the child, allergies (immune reaction), genetics, frequent colds and viral diseases.
Among the exogenous causes of the development of eczema, the following are noted: the influence of exogenous allergens of a chemical and biological nature, as well as environmental factors - environmental, climatic, physical, professional, psychological risk factors.
What to expect?
In babies, eczema usually manifests itself in the first 6 months of life. Unlike many other rashes, eczema does not go away for a long time, although symptoms may come and go. In newborns, eczema occurs on the face, scalp, hands, feet, elbows and knees. It manifests itself most often in the form of red wet spots or blisters that itch. The itching may be severe and the child will constantly rub and scratch the skin. Sometimes an infection can be added to the rash. Eczema can be controlled by using moisturizers and avoiding contact with the allergen. Some babies need prescription ointments and medicines. By the age of 5, children mostly outgrow eczema, and in most of them, eczema does not return in adulthood.
One of the most common questions among new parents is: What are the symptoms of not tolerating baby formula regarding eczema in babies? We hear all sorts of claims and horror stories about formula milk; here we separate myth from fact over claims it can trigger eczema in babies.
Most mothers are acutely aware of both the benefits and drawbacks of either feeding choice, and should be supported to make the right informed decisions for their own families.
The effectiveness of treatment of eczema in babies largely depends on the speed and accuracy of identifying the causes of the disease and their elimination. It is very important to adjust the child's diet and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.