Why Winter is an Ideal Time to Have a Skin Cancer Check
- Written by NewsServices.com

Most people should be aware that skin lesions caused by summertime sun damage don't emerge immediately; rather, it takes several months or years for the damage to develop into a cancerous condition. Since our skin is frequently exposed to the sun's rays throughout the summer, the likelihood that you would see these moles or lesions is obviously very great.
This is not true throughout the winter though. We are less likely to notice worrisome moles and lesions during the winter months because our skin is frequently covered by heavy clothing. However, the reality is that anyone can get skin cancer. It not only has an impact on both young and old people, but it also poses a constant hazard throughout the year, regardless of the weather. Even in the colder months, sun protection precautions and skin checks should not be overlooked because it doesn't care what the temperature is.
Additionally, for a variety of reasons, the colder months are the greatest times to get your skin properly examined at a Gold Coast skin clinic for cancer warning signals. To find out what they are, continue reading.
Skin cancer doesn’t stick to one season
The fact that skin cancer is not seasonal should be known. You shouldn't stop taking care of your skin just because it's getting colder outside. Instead, it would be ideal if you paid closer attention to your skin now because the problems that have developed throughout the summer might now start to rear their ugly heads.
Melanoma and other types of skin cancer do not, in fact, emerge as a result of skin injury. Instead, it takes weeks or even years for symptoms to appear. No of the season, it is imperative to frequently inspect your skin for any unexpected changes. A quarterly self-check is a great place to start if you haven't gone.
In the shower or right after a bath is another excellent opportunity to inspect your skin. Make an appointment for a skin check right away if you detect any changes to the size, colour, or softness of your skin.
The Clothes you wear are a significant determinant
The clothing you're more likely to wear throughout the cooler months of the year is a key advantage of having your skin examined during this time.
Since it is usually extremely hot outside in the summer, you are probably wearing light clothing to stay cool and compensate, which makes it simple to spot the early signs of skin cancer. But when it's chilly outside, you're usually wearing clothes like sweaters, coats, and slacks to keep warm.
Consequently, because less of your skin is exposed, you are far less likely to discover a skin cancer concern sign. Because of this, it's crucial to regularly check your skin during the winter.
Tanned Skin might equal Damaged Skin
You may adore the way you seem in the summer when you have a great tan. However, you should be aware that skin damage can result from tanning.
Since you spend more time outside in the summer, you're much more likely to be tanned, which makes it difficult for you to notice small problems that could eventually grow into larger ones.
However, since you spend less time outside during the winter, your skin is less scarred, making it simpler for you and your doctors to find problems during a skin check-up.
The finest thing you can do for your health this winter is to have your skin examined at a renowned Gold Coast skin cancer clinic. Not only do you get all the aforementioned advantages, but they also enable you to compare yourself at a time when it's usually not on your mind. Never hesitate to get in touch with your doctor if you detect any strange skin changes.