How the Healthcare Sector Benefits from Digital Technology
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The global healthcare sector has been the front line in the worldwide fight against Covid-19 and as you would expect, this sector has benefitted greatly from digital development. Since the arrival of Covid-19 in 2019, doctors and other healthcare professionals have worked tirelessly to deliver the care needed, as millions of people became infected with this Coronavirus.
Online Support for the Elderly
Rather than sending a healthcare worker to see if an elderly person is in need of anything, the healthcare giver can contact the patient using a VoIP application like Zoom or Skype. If, for example, you are in need of respite care in Perth, there are organisations that offer such services and they can be found with a Google search. Those who care for a disabled family member can arrange for respite services to take over while they take a much-needed holiday, plus the run many social events for the disabled, as well as special holidays.
Track & Trace
By using digital tech, it is possible to track the movements of people who have been in contact with an infected people and the health experts say that this alone was responsible for stopping the spread of the virus to many areas. All you need to do is download the government app (mandatory in some countries), register and should there be an outbreak at a venue you attended, you would be notified and advised to take a PCR test.
Delivering Healthcare Services in a Virtual Environment
Many GPs are now offering virtual consultations that eliminate human contact and, in most cases, the medical professional can make an accurate diagnosis from a real-time video call with the patient and can prescribe the correct medication. If you are suffering with gum problems, this article might be useful.
Mental Health Counselling
The pandemic has resulted in many people being put under a lot of stress and in every country, there are non-profit organisations that offer free counselling for those who are under extreme stress. As suicides are on the increase, it is essential that people have access to qualified counsellors and talking to someone really does help you to put things into perspective.
Artificial Intelligence
There are major hospitals in the US that use AI to diagnose X-ray images, which is more accurate than any doctor, while they are also using AI to perform delicate brain surgery, where precision is essential. There is talk of governments issuing vaccine passports to control people’s movements in a bid to beat new variants and hopefully, when everyone is vaccinated, we will see the end of the pandemic.
Spreading the News
The Internet is an essential network for spreading important information regarding Covid-19, indeed, all governments (and the World Health Organisation) post daily updates for citizens to access, which informs them of lockdown details and gives an overview of each region in the country. Without daily Internet updates, people would not be aware of critical data regarding the spread of the virus and this would cause chaos worldwide.
As you can see, there are many ways that digital technology helps the healthcare industry and together, we can beat this virus and build up herd immunity.