How Cognitive Behvioral Therapy Can Help You Beat Anxiety
- Written by NewsCo

Mental disorders are incredibly difficult to live with. If you are someone who struggles with anxiety, you know just how hard it can be to complete daily tasks or go through difficult moments without your brain working itself into a panic. In the same way that you go to the doctor to treat a physical illness, you deserve to look for high-quality treatment for your anxiety disorder. This is where different forms of therapy come into play, one of which is known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
CBT is a form of therapy designed to help patients interrupt negative thoughts and replace them with more positive, realistic ones. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions, you can break them down into different categories and identify what is rational or not. Unlike some other forms of therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy is extremely structured and breaks down emotions into understandable patterns. You can collaborate with your therapist to focus on specific situations and find the positive rather than get bogged down with anxiety. If you are looking for a way to control your anxiety and find some peace, CBT may be the right method for you. Let's look at a few of the specific ways it can help.
Does your insurance cover mental health care?
Before you commit to any form of therapy for your mental health care, you should check in with your health insurance policy. Certain plans cover therapy and psychiatric assistance, while other plans may have higher out-of-pocket costs. Look for the best option for you with the help of sites that can compare health insurance. Get the information you need about different plans including the premiums and deductibles you'll need to pay for your CBT, not to mention the cost of any medication or additional treatment plans. As you work on your anxiety issues, the last thing you want is to be anxious about your costs. Before your first time in therapy, check with your health insurer that you are all covered with your plan options for your medical care.
Interrupt negative cycles to replace them with positive thoughts.
The ultimate goal of CBT is to help your brain stop ruminating on negative emotions. Individuals with anxiety will often get caught up in bad thoughts that they just can't seem to shake. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you identify these irrational thoughts and find new ways to cope with them. Through the three steps of identifying, challenging, and replacing negative thoughts with more positive ones, you are training your brain to think logically in response to irrational thoughts.
There are practices all across the world helping people rethink their anxiety using CBT. Experts in cognitive behavioral therapy Newport Beach help West Coast patients understand these negative cycles. By talking through problems and role-playing certain scenarios, therapists in this location can help you work through the hardest of situations. Thanks to structured exercises and experience with adolescents and adults alike, this practice is a leader in helping patients with anxiety.
Find other coping mechanisms to stop your brain from spiraling.
Therapists that aid your CBT process may also have other coping mechanisms they can recommend. The goal is to stop your anxiety from spiraling out of control and causing serious damage to your mental healthcare. Perhaps your therapist can help you find other methods like meditation or even offer medications for you. One all-natural remedy that is being heavily researched is CBD.
While edibles, gummies, and capsules are still being studied, many have found that CBD products can help calm your behavior and ease anxiety. The best CBD gummies for anxiety can help you slow your mind and find a sense of calm. Because there is no THC in CBD products, the side effects do not include any feeling of being high. Try a number of natural flavors like raspberry, turmeric, and lemon balm in these unique gummy bears. Ask your doctor or therapist about the proper dosage or pack of CBD that can help you with your anxiety for the best value.
Be realistic about your emotions rather than irrational.
For many struggling with anxiety, symptoms manifest as irrational emotions or unrealistic thoughts. CBT is all about refocusing your journey, so you can see more practical coping methods and stay rational. They give you practical skills, so the next time you encounter a similar situation, you are prepared to do the work of your health plan and find a new strength to fight off panic attacks.
For example, let's say you're in the store trying on petite jackets, and you notice your size has changed. An ill-fitting jacket may be a trigger for you to feel anxious about your weight or upset with the way you look. You may end up spiraling into a panic attack. Rather than feeling these irrational emotions, CBT gives you the skills to try something new and center your mind on the things that are really important. Find ways to rationalize your emotions, so you don't feel as much anxiety over little things.
Use exposure therapy to practice coping mechanisms.
Another technique that cognitive behavioral therapists tend to use is exposure therapy. This is especially helpful for people whose anxiety stems from different phobias or OCD. This technique involves exposing a patient to tolerable amounts of the thing that makes them anxious a little bit at a time. Then, you can up the dosage. Suddenly, you start to realize that you can handle those experiences with mild anxiety and eliminate panic attacks. This is a good option to help you find relaxation and coping skills, even in stressful environments.
Remember, mental health care is a constant practice.
Your journey with mental healthcare is completely unique. It is also not something you can expect to completely disappear overnight. No matter how many natural ingredients of pure CBD you try or the number of therapy sessions you attend, there will still be days when you have to deal with the side effects of anxiety. Coping with anxiety is a constant practice that will never fully be cured, so don't get discouraged if you have a bad day. CBT helps you monitor your health condition, so you can live a happier life overall, and that is a beautiful thing.