Thornbury Dentist Home Remedies & Tips for Toothache
- Written by News Co Media
When you regularly take care of your oral health by brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day on a daily basis, there are quite fewer chances of your teeth getting infected or developing a problematic dental condition. But, it is still possible that you may face certain dental problems that are caused either by reasons outside of your control or by improper cleaning of your teeth and your mouth.
While a Thornbury dentist professional will ideally advise you to prevent over brushing your teeth, which is one of the most common causes of various dental issues, here are a few types of dental problems that you can remedy at your home when getting urgent dental care is difficult or simply not possible.

Five Common Dental Problems
Before we look into the respective remedies, let’s check out these common problems that an adult or a child might face during the span of their lives:
Easily the most common dental condition. It could start off as a mild sensation and may develop into unbearable pain. It can also be caused by having an infection in the gums.
Teeth Sensitivity
A Thornbury dentist expert dictates that a person could have teeth sensitivity when the enamel of their tooth has degenerated. Having fractured, chipped or broken teeth could also result in experiencing teeth sensitivity.
Such a symptom is a marker of having bad oral health or having either ulcers or pus in the gums. This can be incredibly painful and sensitive all the same.
Bleeding Gums
This condition is more often caused by hard brushing on the gums. If you notice blood while you brush, consider switching your brush with one that has softer bristles. Also, do not brush too hard.
Gum Ache or Irritation
This is caused either by having infections in the gum or due to poor maintenance of oral health which causes sensations in the gums. Read on to learn about a remedy for this problem.
Home Remedies for Dental Relief by Thornbury Dentist
The below mentioned solutions may not completely cure your dental problems but they will be useful in helping you feel a bit of relief. To permanently get rid of any of these problems or other ones, you should visit a Thornbury dentist professional to obtain the best possible treatment.
Soak a clove in clove oil or use a cotton ball soaked in clove oil to be applied on the site of the problematic tooth. It is an effective solution to temporarily minimise any gum infections or toothache.
A Thornbury dentist can offer you over the counter medication solutions such as an ibuprofen and other types of painkillers to help you combat the toothache. However, keep painkillers away from children below the age of 16.
The incredible compound present in garlic known as allicin has been used through centuries for its antibacterial properties. Make a paste of grinded garlic cloves and apply it on the hurting tooth to minimise the pain as well as to disinfect it to an extent.
Saltwater Mouthwash
Performing a salt water mouth wash with warm water for a finite number of times repeatedly may be advised even by your Thornbury dentist expert because of its numerous benefits. Doing so could not only reduce any swelling and help a sore throat but it can also dislodge any stuck debris or food particles from your cavities and your gums.
Peppermint Tea
A peppermint tea is both antibacterial and pain numbing solution for when you have toothache and signs of gum inflammation or infections. Simply holding a warm peppermint teabag against your problematic tooth can help reduce the pain momentarily.
You could also prepare the peppermint teal leaves in a cup of boiling water and then have the leaves rumbled in your mouth to either be swallowed or spat out.
Ice Compress
When you have swollen gums, you can use a pack of ice compress or frozen peas to hold them in contact with your cheek outside of the swollen gum to reduce the swelling. If you have severe teeth sensitivity, be careful in placing the compress because it will help to numb pain in swollen area but alarm your sensitive tooth.
Final Words
These are some of the best home remedies to treat common types of dental problems. While these can be quite beneficial in minor dental conditions, it is essential to visit a Thornbury dentist expert or equivalent to accurately diagnose and treat your respective dental troubles.