The Possible Role of Nutrition in Preventing 3 Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Written by News Company

Proper nutrition is vitally important for achieving optimum human health. There is a vast body of clinical research indicating that dietary factors influence disease risk.
In particular, nutrition is likely to play a role in preventing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. Clinical research suggests specific nutrients that may be helpful in preventing these conditions; and in some cases the medical literature also has helpful insights about substances that may adversely affect these conditions or diseases.
Type 2 Diabetes
Doctors who treat type 2 diabetes have learned that nutrition management is the highest priority therapy for patients who suffer from this condition. The American Diabetes Association has recommended the inclusion of a nutritionist in each diabetes patient’s care team. The intent is to provide nutrition counseling for patients on an ongoing basis, ideally at least once every 6 to 12 months.
According to research published in the Public Health Nutrition journal, type 2 diabetes is largely preventable through diet, adequate nutrition, exercise and weight management. In particular, it’s important for diabetics to consume low-glycemic, nutrient dense foods such as vegetables and pre-soaked, sprouted lentils. Magnesium-rich foods and magnesium supplements can be particularly beneficial, because diabetics are typically deficient in magnesium. Diabetics should ideally avoid consuming sugars and high glycemic foods such as cookies, cakes and breads.
Cardiovascular Disease
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people can reduce their risks of contracting cardiovascular disease by increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables and n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fats. Additionally, the WHO reports that it may be beneficial to limit sodium intake and to reduce consumption of trans fats and saturated fat.
These findings are affirmed by research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. These researchers elaborate further to give additional details on foods that may be especially useful in preventing cardiovascular disease. They point out the value of polyphenols from fruits, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, seeds, nuts, herbs, and spices; these are beneficial antioxidants that probably help to protect against cardiovascular disease.
Colorectal Cancer
There is a significant amount of clinical research indicating that a person’s diet is likely to influence whether or not colorectal cancer will develop. According to a study published in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, some experts believe that a person’s diet is probably responsible for an estimated 70-90% of colorectal cancer cases, and that diet optimization is likely to prevent most instances of this particular cancer type.
The researchers discovered that diets high in Folate seemed to have a protective effect against colorectal carcinoma. Additional research seems to indicate that the Folate should come from food sources rather than supplements, because supplemented Folate apparently correlates with an increased risk that patients will experience recurrent advanced adenomas.
Vitamin D appears to have a protective effect against colorectal cancer. Research has revealed that populations of people who typically incorporate significant amounts of fresh fish, shellfish, calcium and vitamin D into their diets tend to have fewer cases of colorectal cancer. However, it’s unclear whether or not calcium definitively plays a role in protecting against this type of cancer.
Research published in the PLoS One journal suggests that dairy products may have a protective role against colon cancer. These researchers acknowledge that it is challenging to determine which substances, exactly, within the dairy products are specifically responsible for the protective effects. They point out that it could be the calcium or possibly the lactic acid bacteria that’s typically found in yogurt products.
Consumption of fruits, vegetables and fish oils correlates with reduced risk for colorectal cancer, according to research published in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology.
Multiple studies suggest that eating red meat, particularly processed red meat, increases a person’s risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that consumption of dietary fiber from cereals and fruit correlates with reduced risks for colorectal adenoma and also for reduced risks of distal colon cancer.
Some studies also indicate that colonic microbiota plays an important role in determining whether a person will develop colorectal cancer.
The factors influencing colorectal cancer are complex; but, clearly, diet does play an influential role. People who wish to decrease their risk of contracting colorectal cancer can increase their consumption of Folate, vitamin D, dietary fiber and dairy products, and decrease their consumption of processed red meats.
Patients who suffer from any of these diseases or conditions are likely to benefit from consulting with a qualified dietitian who has successfully completed all the required nutrition courses for licensure in their home country. Dietitians are able to give personalized dietary recommendations to their clients based on each client’s lifestyle, nutritional needs and health status. This specialized advice can often make a significant contribution towards improving a person’s chronic health conditions and diseases.
Nutrition isn’t the only factor that contributes to chronic diseases and conditions; other influences can include genetics, physical activity and a multitude of environmental factors. However, nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting a person’s vulnerability to contracting various chronic diseases and health conditions such as the ones discussed above.