What You Need To Know About Medicare Supplement Plan G
- Written by News Company

When you compare Medicare supplement plans, Plan G is one of the plans which you need to pay attention to. It tends to be one of the popular supplement plans available and for various reasons. It is a plan which is similar to plan F and thus, with F being phased off in 2020, Medical Supplement Plan G might be the next best option for you.
It offers full coverage for the gaps which are left out by the Original Medicare paying your copay, hospital deductibles, and coinsurance. It also covers the 20% which is normally left out by Part B
Benefits Of Supplement Plan G
It covers Medicare Part A hospital costs and coinsurance up to an extra 365 days after you are done using the benefits of Medicare
It covers all the Medicare part B copayment and coinsurance
Covers first 3 pints of blood if need be
Covers part A hospice care copayment and coinsurance
Covers coinsurance for the skilled nursing facility
Covers deductibles for part A of Medicare
Covers deductibles for part B of Medicare
Covers excess charges for part B of Medicare
Covers up to plan limits for the emergency during foreign travels.
What Are The Medical Services Which Plan G Covers?
It covers whatever medical benefits that the original Medicare does except when it comes to the outpatient deductibles. This means that it will help in paying for the inpatient hospital costs such as skilled nursing, blood transfusion, and hospice care. For outpatient, it will cover medical services such as lab work, doctor visits, durable medical equipment, diabetes supplies, ambulance, X-rays, surgeries and the likes.
The costs are first cleared by the Medicare plan and then the rest is cleared by the plan G once you are done paying for the one annual deductible fees. When it comes to foreign travel emergency, the plan G will offer you up to $50,000 in foreign benefits.
Plan G Medigap: Small Deductibles Yielding To Big Benefits
Plan G is becoming very popular due to the fact that it covers the gaps left out by the original Medicare plan. Except for the $198 once off an annual deductible, all the rest are covered. You are going to save quite a lot by being on the Plan G over the plan F which is being phased off which will be more than the $198 you will have to pay to enjoy the benefits.
It is a cover which is just great. With the plan G cover, the hospital stay expenses will be covered, paying the hospital deductibles which amount to $1400. If you are an outpatient, the Medigap plan G covers everything apart from the first $198 deductibles that you will pay first which is a part B deductible. After that, all the remaining expenses all year round will be covered by plan G. Medicare will cover for the 80% while the remaining 20% will be sorted out by the Plan G.
If you are out for the first time searching for a supplement Medigap plan to use, this might be the best option in 2020.