Dr Vincent: World’s most potent antioxidants are now available in a skin cream
- Written by Tess Sanders Lazarus

According to Dr Vincent Candrawinata (Dr Vincent), highly respected food scientist, founder of Renovatio and the world’s most foremost expert on activated phenolics, the most potent antioxidants are now available in a skin cream so people can benefit from the cell protection and anti-inflammatory effects phenolic antioxidants provide. Dr Vincent discovered how to extract the world’s most potent antioxidants from apples without the use of chemicals while undertaking research at the University of Newcastle. Since making the world first breakthrough, Dr Vincent has translated his breakthrough into a range of supplement products called ‘Activated Phenolics’ which are available in powder and tablet form and distributed all over the world. Since launching his innovative range of products, his supplements have helped people overcome chronic conditions and even been included in a cancer treatment program.
“I launched Renovatio twelve months ago and in this time, my products have been distributed all over the world. We are now in chemists, health food stores and other retail outlets across the country and the globe,” Dr Vincent said today.
“People have let me know they have experienced amazing benefits from taking the products. We receive feedback from people every day telling us how much Activated Phenolics has improved their lives.
“We are often asked if we have skin care products as well. I had always intended to expand our range and the constant questions from customers prompted me to research and develop a skin care range as well.
“I am delighted to announce our first skin care product is now available and I have called it APSKIN – Activated Phenolics skin cream.
“Formulated to assist in restoring damaged, stressed and discoloured skin, APSKIN skin cream harnesses the power of eight antioxidants, extracted from a single source to maximise cellular synergistic affinity.
“All of Renovatio’s products use the naturally extracted ultra antioxidants, commonly known as activated phenolics, from apples to regenerate, restore and refresh us from the inside out.
“Unlike any other product on the market, our entire range of supplements and skin cream is scientifically formulated from apples, nature’s best source of broad spectrum antioxidants.
“Growing up you are always told ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, and there is truth in that. The phenolic antioxidants in apples do fantastic things for the human body.
“Using innovative technologies and processes, we have found the phenolic antioxidants extracted naturally from apples boosts your skin’s glow and radiance.
“APSKIN protects and restores skin at the cellular level like no other face cream available.
“Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that neutralise or 'mop up' molecules called free radicals that can harm our cells.
“The human body manufactures a limited number of its own antioxidants but, in today’s world, we need a lot more than our body can provide.”
The Renovatio Activated Phenolics (AP) range includes a supplement powder, tablet and the new APSKIN skin cream.
“APSKIN is formulated to protect elastin and collagen structures, leaving your skin transformed, glowing and ageless,” Dr Vincent said.
“From our product trials, we know people see noticeable results after using APSKIN for three to five days.”
Dr Vincent’s research into the power of phenolic antioxidants has highlighted the increase in the pollutions we absorb every day due to lower air quality and exposure to chemicals and toxins.
“For me, my work is about putting science on the shelf and making available something that I know is missing from today’s market,” Dr Vincent added.
“APSKIN was founded on the belief that each of us deserve the healthiest skin possible.”