Daily Bulletin

It's time to pack up for a nice holiday out in the country, a chance for you and the family to get away from all the urban hustle and bustle and enjoy the soothing sights and sounds of nature! You plan to go off the road and head out into the wild country where you won't be disturbed by the outside world. As you leave, your tent is still sitting on the shelf in the garage. Did you forget it? No, because this is a camping trip where you won't be needing a tent!

You are now the proud owner of a hybrid caravan, a clever combination of caravan and camper trailer that contains everything you need to live comfortably far from civilisation! This rugged vehicle features the suspension and towing ability of a camper trailer, but with hard, permanent walls like those of a caravan to keep you secure during your wilderness sojourn. The hybrid caravan is also sometimes referred to as a "hybrid camper trailer" or an "off-road caravan", but whatever you want to call it, this is a vehicle that means fun!

With a hybrid caravan, you can have all the comforts of a caravan with the ability to venture off-road. They are generally between six to seven metres long, and the width of an average four-wheel drive vehicle. While camper trailers are terrific for heading up remote, primitive roads to access nature's most beautiful locales, they are also a lot of trouble to assemble once you arrive, you have to set them up instead of enjoying your surrounds! Camper trailers are lacking in amenities like air conditioning and running water, but of most concern is the fact that their canvas walls really aren’t very secure.

When you are travelling in a hybrid caravan you can have all the amenities and benefits of a caravan and a camper trailer in a vehicle designed to go pretty much anywhere you want to go! A hybrid caravan takes the best parts of both and combines them into one great off-road adventure machine!

The following are some of the advantages a hybrid caravan can offer you!

Off Road Access - You don't have to stay on well-maintained main roads and highways, a hybrid caravan can go off-road so you can access a lot more travel destinations than you could with a regular caravan designed for modern roadside campgrounds. Plus, they are narrow enough to go down thin wilderness tracks.

Amenities - You will be as comfortable as you would be back in your own home with a fully functional kitchen, AC, solar power, hot water, shower, and a toilet. You may feel like you are roughing it out in your wilderness campsite, but you will really be in the lap of luxury!

Insulation - A hybrid caravan features better insulation than a camper trailer has, so you can run the AC on those hot, muggy days, and keep cosy and warm when the nights grow chill.

Safety And Security - The hard walls and roofs will keep you safe from foul weather as well as provide extra security from thieves, dingos, and snakes.

The hybrid caravan lets you get away from it all while still enjoying your creature comforts!

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