5 Tips for Choosing Better Biodegradable Bags in Australia
- Written by NewsServices.com

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of single-use plastic bags, many people are looking for more sustainable alternatives. Here in Australia, we have a responsibility to lead the way in finding eco-friendly solutions to our plastic problem.
One option that is gaining popularity is biodegradable bags. But with so many different types and brands on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are better for the environment.
Tips To Help You Choose
Here are five tips to help you choose the best biodegradable bags for the environment:
1. Look for Certified Compostable Bags
The first thing to look for when choosing a biodegradable bag is whether it is certified compostable. Certified compostable bags are a great way to reduce your environmental impact. They are also much better for the environment than traditional plastic bags.
Certified compostable bags are made from materials that can safely and effectively be broken down by composting, which will not contribute to environmental pollution or landfill waste.
Composting is a process that helps to recycle organic materials back into the soil. It is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.
2. Avoid Oxo-Degradable Bags
Oxo-degradable bags are made from traditional plastic with added chemicals that are designed to make them break down over time. The breakdown process releases harmful chemicals into the environment and does not degrade the plastic itself.
This means that the fragments of these bags can end up polluting the soil and water for years to come. Moreover, oxo-degradable bags are often more expensive than regular plastic bags, so their use is no real benefit.
3. Check the Material
The material of the bag is essential to consider. Different types of materials can be used to make biodegradable bags. Paper, for example, is a natural material that decomposes over time. Cotton is another popular choice.
Some biodegradable bags are made from plant-based materials like cornstarch, whilst others are made from traditional plastic that has been chemically treated to degrade.
4. Consider the Thickness
One of the main reasons to consider the thickness of a biodegradable bag is its durability. A thicker bag will last longer and carry more weight, which is important if you use it for shopping or other purposes. However, thicker the bag will take longer to break down. If you’re looking for a biodegradable bag that degrades quickly, choose one that is thin and lightweight.
The thickness will also affect the cost of the bag. Thicker bags generally cost more, but they may be worth the investment if you plan on using them frequently.
5. Check the Price
When considering which type of biodegradable bag to use, it is important to consider the price. Whilst some biodegradable bags may be more expensive, the price difference is often worth the environmental benefits.
In addition, many stores now offer discounts for customers who bring their reusable bags, so using biodegradable bags can save you money in the long run. Choose bags made from recycled materials to reduce your impact further.
By following these tips, you can be sure you’re choosing the best biodegradable bag for the environment.
Why Choosing Biodegradable Bag Is a Smart Choice
There are many reasons to choose biodegradable bags over traditional plastic bags. Here are some key reasons:
- They're better for the environment. Biodegradable bags break down much faster than traditional plastic bags, so they don't linger in landfills or pollute the environment.
- They're made from renewable resources. Most biodegradable bags are made from plant-based materials like cornstarch or potato starch, so they're a renewable resource.
- They decompose quickly. When you throw away a biodegradable bag, it will decompose in just a few months, unlike traditional plastic bags, which can take years to decompose.
- They're solid and durable. Just because biodegradable bags are made from renewable resources doesn't mean they're flimsy. Many biodegradable bags are just as strong and durable as traditional plastic bags.
- They're cheaper in the long run. Because biodegradable bags decompose quickly, you won't have to replace them as often, which can save you money in the long run.
So why not choose biodegradable bags? They're better for the environment, made from renewable resources, decompose quickly, and are durable. They'll save you money in the long run.
How Do You Know It Is a Legit Biodegradable Bag?
The most obvious sign that a bag is biodegradable is through the label. However, there are other ways to tell if a bag will degrade over time. Check for the following:
- - The bag is made of natural materials like paper, cornstarch or hemp.
- - The bag is compostable, which will break down into a compost pile.
- - The bag is recyclable.
- - The bag should be certified by a reputable organisation.
- - The bag should have a label that indicates how long it will take to decompose.
If the label on the bag doesn't give you any clues, try doing a little research online. Many companies are now making eco-friendly products, so it shouldn't be too difficult to determine if a bag is biodegradable.
If you are looking for a way to reduce your environmental impact, choosing a biodegradable bag is wise.
These bags are made from natural materials that will decompose over time, so they won't contribute to pollution as plastic bags do.
To make sure you are choosing a legitimate biodegradable bag, look for one made from natural materials, certified by a reputable organisation, and has a label indicating how long it will take to decompose. You can find a bag that meets all your needs with some research.